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  1. Sweet! Thanks Diaco!
  2. Hi! So, here's the link http://goncalo.eu/movies The idea is to create a realistic film projection experience. I'm playing with the opacity of the black overlay, but doesn't feel real. Far from it. Currently, i'm doing this: var tlOpacity = new TimelineMax({repeat: -1, yoyo: true}); tlOpacity .to(".overlay", 3, { opacity: 0.7, scale: 0.95, ease: RoughEase.ease.config({ template: Power0.easeNone, strength: 0.5, points: 50, taper: "none", randomize: true, clamp: false}) }) .to(".overlay", 3, { opacity: 0.8, scale: 1, ease: RoughEase.ease.config({ template: Power0.easeNone, strength: 0.5, points: 50, taper: "none", randomize: true, clamp: false}) }); I've tried several other alternatives, trying to oscillate the opacity value, but with no success. So, I'm trying the GSAP boards for some counselling. Do you have a better idea on how to proceed? Thanks in advance!
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