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Everything posted by crazy1s

  1. Hi guys. Finally got the powers that be to agree to switch over to GreenSock for everything and my first demo project is a few banner ads. All work perfectly except for in Firefox. I've searched and couldn't find anything that fits my scenario so posting new. Here's my script from an expanding ad. <script> var $text = $('#text'); var $lock = $('#PadLock'); var $expand = $('#expandButton'); var $close = $('#closeButton'); var $UnlockText = $('#UnlockText'); var $key = $('#ring'); var $CTA = $('#clickthroughButton'); tl = new TimelineLite({paused:true}); tl2 = new TimelineLite({}); tl2.to($lock, .5, {rotation: 25, left:'95px', ease:Sine.easeInOut, top:'60px', transformOrigin:"left 50%",}) .to($lock, .5, {rotation: 5, left:'110px', ease:Sine.easeInOut, top:'78px', transformOrigin:"left 50%",}) .to($lock, .5, {rotation: 15, left:'103px', ease:Sine.easeInOut, top:'69px', transformOrigin:"left 50%",}) .to($lock, .5, {rotation: 10, left:'106px', ease:Sine.easeInOut, top:'74px', transformOrigin:"left 50%",}); TweenLite.from($text, 2, {left: '-200px', ease:Circ.easeInOut, delay: 1}); TweenLite.from($expand, 1, {bottom: '-50px', ease:Expo.easeIn, delay: 1.75}); tl .from($key, 1.5, {rotation: -180, top: '-300px', left: '500px', ease:SteppedEase.easeIn}, '-=.5') .to ($UnlockText, 1, {opacity: 1}, '-=.5') .from($CTA, .75, {bottom:'-136px', ease:SteppedEase.easeInOut, transformOrigin:"left 50%"}, '-=.5') .from($close, 1, {top: '-40px', ease:Circ.easeInOut}); $("#expandButton").click(function() { tl.play(); }); </script> I'm sure it's just some tiny thing that Firefox hates and is choking on, but have rewritten almost the entire thing piece by piece to no avail. Any advice MUCH appreciated.
  2. Of course! Excellent! Will dig into this in the morning, but it looks perfect! Thanks so much!
  3. I've been meaning to learn GreenSock for some time and have been trying to justify the cost of onsite trainer to management for some time since we are getting asked to do more and more banner work. But as a complete newbie to TweenLite, I am wondering if it would be a good solution to a problem we have right now. I am drawing an arc on a canvas and am trying to tween just the endAngle var. Since this isn't an attribute of the canvas itself, but a var within it, I'm not sure if TweenLite is what I am looking for. I've linked to a very quickly thrown together example. Any help would be much appreciated.
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