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Acccent last won the day on June 5 2018

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Posts posted by Acccent

  1. While I understand that this isn't technically something that SplitText does, it does mean that in effect, SplitText doesn't support languages that rely on ligatures. Is that right? I get that it would be way too much work for the GSAP team to ensure full compatibility with all the possible variations of combined characters in all languages, but maybe something like an optional parameter that says "never split the following strings" would be useful here. That way you could pass (using this case as an example) ["पा", "क्ष", "यो", "द्यो", "का", "सा", "धा", "मी", "पा", "है"] and they would remain together in the final result. (Maybe that's still very wrong for someone who does read Denavagari, apologies if so, I'm just assuming based on the codepen.)

    • Like 4
  2. Hi @romain.gr :)


    There are a couple issues.


    First of all, you need to restructure your HTML, I believe. Right now, I can only see one item at each level that has any sub-items at all so even if your code was correct, there wouldn't be anything to animate for all the other empty items. Also, you shouldn't use a tags like you're doing – they're only for links. Using them differently can lead to all sorts of headaches when it comes to styling and accessibility.

    And, this is just a suggestion, but I think you should use classes to find and store elements. something like .main-nav > li > ul > li > ul > li can get confusing real quick. But it's up to you.


    Have a look at the forked pen below for an example of a cleaner structure.


    Secondly, you don't need to change the display property of the elements. using only autoAlpha should be enough.


    Lastly, when you do something like $secondLevelItems = $('.main-nav > li > ul > li'), you are storing all the elements that match your criteria – so if you have something like

    <ul class="main-nav">
      <li><span>Starter Pokémon</span>


    ...then $secondLevelItems would contain Bulbasaur, Charmander AND Squirtle.

    So then when you have a timeline that animates $secondLevelItems, all of the items everywhere get displayed; the only reason you might only see one of them is because it appeared over the others.


    What you need to do, then, is to create a new timeline for each element that has sub-items. You can make this easier by using loops. Have a look at the pen below.


    See the Pen jzdpKw?editors=0010 by Acccent (@Acccent) on CodePen


    Eventually you'll also run into the issue where the mouseleave event triggers before you can actually move your pointer to the sub-item you're trying to click on. Also, be aware that using only mouseenter and mouseleave doesn't account for devices that don't use a mouse at all, like phones or computers with keyboards only.

    • Like 5
  3. Hi Valeria,


    Actually, what you're looking for is way easier than the example you showed.

    There are multiple ways to do what you want: you could either have, for each column, one big image with all the numbers that you animate so that it slides up or down, OR use basically the same technique but animating the background-position property, or you could do it all in CSS with no image at all in which case the column would be a div that you slide up or down.


    It's up to you really; the first two methods are probably equivalent (the first one is maybe a bit better performance-wise, the second one is "cleaner"), while the third one is a bit more complex but doesn't require any images.


    In any case, once you've animated the numbers going up or down in each individual column, you'll have to write additional code to determine which columns to animate and how many times in order to reach a specific value. That will probably be the most difficult thing to figure out. But we can help you with the first step for now.

    • Like 4
  4. Here you go. There was a whole lot of slightly weird stuff in the codepen I forked, some things that had no use and other things that didn't follow the same coding style, as if someone else had modified the pen but still saved it in @Jonathan 's account... I'm not sure what happened there... anyway, I cleaned it :)


    See the Pen yKEMrj by Acccent (@Acccent) on CodePen


    edit: changed the image service to loremflickr since apparently unsplash is down...? also now it picks 10 different pictures

    • Like 6
  5. I feel like the difficulty here is that the images don't form a "circle", they kinda rotate in the opposite direction. Maybe a way to do that would be to have inner divs that have a independent rotation with their transform origin unchanged. I'll fork one of Jonathan's pens.

    • Like 2
  6. On 24/03/2018 at 2:16 PM, OSUblake said:

    I don't know if there is a reason to avoid them. From a styling point of view they're safe to use because CSS just skips stuff it doesn't understand.


    What I meant by 'avoiding them' was more, like, when you learn about a new thing you get all excited about it and try to do everything with it – even stuff that actually doesn't need it. I can totally see myself reworking animations to add CSS variables everywhere even if they don't do anything at all to improve the animation in question. So, gotta watch myself :)

    • Like 1
  7. On 24/03/2018 at 3:48 PM, determin1st said:

    The combined class number of 5 (.a.b.c.d.e) - can't imagine... it means that widget may have 5 states applied simultaneously.

    take checkbox, it may be: hovered, checked, disabled, hidden, focused(keyboard)... but not all of them.. it may be hovered+checked, but not hovered+disabled or hovered+hidden.


    I mean, you can have :hovered, :focus, :hovered:focus, :hovered:checked, :focus:checked, :hover:focus:checked. That seems like a lot, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some. And what about when you want different components of an animation to animate at different speeds? For instance, say I have a simple semi-transparent button. I want it to linearly transition to 100% opaque AND scale with a bouncy ease over 0.3s when hovered. But when I stop hovering, I want it to slowly go back to its previous opacity and scale, this time with a linear transition for both and over 0.5s instead of 0.3. And I want it to do a tiny "shake" animation when I click it if it's disabled. How would I achieve that with only className?


    Again, apologies if I misunderstood or missed something, I'm just trying to wrap my head around what you have in mind.

    • Like 2
  8. 18 hours ago, determin1st said:


    Sorry, but you broke your hand;-). You missed the specifi.. cascade rules. It was not really a className* task, but, anyway I added it.


    Why are there two declarations for .green-state and .red-state in your CSS? Why does a box with both .red-state and .green-state become red, not green? I mean, I understand the CSS, but isn't is it way less intuitive to do it that way? If I want a box to go from green, to red, to blue, to yellow, to purple... would I have to write 5 nested classes? Just wondering if I missed something :)


    (Also, I feel like there's a lot of unneeded aggressiveness in this thread – could use some humility... but I'm no mod)

    • Like 3
  9. Great ^_^


    In related news, as some might know I'm working with Three.js as well as GSAP right now, and the docs/communities are simply not in the same league. It's weird to go from Three.js's documentation to GSAP's, and to suddenly have some actual explanation for things! Would you believe it? A documentation that actually tries to make it easier to use a product...

    • Like 2
  10. I'm not sure if I missed it or it was added, but imo even that's a bit easy to miss. Usually when I read a doc – and I am aware this isn't great, but I assume I'm not the only one doing this – I skim the page to find the parts that are relevant to what I'm doing... with the way the staggerTo page is laid out right now, I would have read:


    staggerTo() can also work on a jQuery collection as shown below:


    <paragraph presumably about using a jQuery collection that can safely be ignored since I don't use jQuery>


    I would put a note under the "Returns" paragraph at the top, something like:


    Returns : Array

    An array of TweenMax instances (one for each object in the targets array). If you want to control the playback of all the tweens together, you should consider using TimelineLite's staggerTo() method.


    Just a suggestion :)

  11. Hi everyone,


    this isn't a question, just an observation!

    I was using TweenMax.staggerTo recently and was wondering why my tween was playing if I didn't pass paused: true, but if I did and then tried to use .play() I would get an error saying something like tween.play() is not a function.


    Turns out staggerTo creates an array of tweens, and arrays do indeed lack a .play() function.


    So if you plan on controlling the playback of a single staggerTo tween, you still should put it into a timeline :) Maybe this ought to be mentioned in the docs? Caused me quite the headache :P 

    • Like 1
  12. a second ago I was just googling to see if some people had dabbled with mixing three.js and gsap, in preparation for troubles I might run into soon.

    now I'm lying on the floor, dead from reading "I just whipped together a quick plugin" followed by an ACTUAL THREE.JS PLUGIN JUST CASUALLY POSTED ON THE FORUMS LIKE IT'S NOTHING


    okay I'm good now and have bookmarked the page. whoa

    • Like 3
    • Haha 3
  13. Maybe try animating top: 90% to top: 50% instead? The top CSS rule takes priority over bottom, so maybe there's some rule inheritance somewhere that messes things up... It's really hard to tell though. It looks like the div is animating to the position where it would be if it had position: relative, maybe that's worth investigating as well.


    Hard to provide any more help without a look at the code, like Shaun said.

    • Like 4
  14. On 12/03/2018 at 10:52 AM, webapp said:

    What if i want to play currentAnimation simultaneously while other reversing...

    Please help...


    if you don't want to wait until the previous animation has reached its start position it's even easier:

    1. save all the animations you'll use
    2. have a null variable that you'll use to save the current animation
    3. on click, first check if the variable is null, if not call .reverse() on it (will not happen on the very first click)
    4. .play() the new animation
    5. store the new animation in the variable
    6. the next time you click, the previous animation will be stored in your variable so it will get reversed


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  15. Hi lisartur :)


    I appreciate that you are really trying to get this to work but I must go back to what I said above and suggest that you go for simpler things first. There's a lot of things in your codepen that show you still have a lot to learn about Javascript in general, for instance all the lines like 

    top = S(isLeft ? '.LA' : '.LA')[0]

    that really don't make much sense and could just be replaced with

    top = S('.LA')[0]


    It makes me wonder how much of the initial example you actually understood, vs. how much you are just copying hoping that it will somehow work.


    In your latest codepen, you have this part:

    if (ff==false) {
    	TweenLite.set(S('.LC')[0], {y: 100});
    	TweenLite.set(S('.LC')[0], {rotation: 0, transformOrigin: '-100% 0%'});

    which is called in your makeTL function, but ff is only ever false once – the first time you call that function – and then stays true forever. So why is that code even in the function, and not just before it? This is why you see C being a bit jumpy – you don't position it properly at the start, and then try to fix the bad positioning with a one-time adjustment. But like I explained above, if you change the transform origin of an element that's already been rotated it will appear to move somewhere else.


    All of this is a matter of 1) understanding Javascript, and 2) figuring out the logic behind what you want to achieve. It isn't a matter of understanding GSAP; we've moved away from GSAP-related questions for a while now, and are just talking about general programming. This forum isn't the place for that and I don't have more time to dedicate to it. If you do figure out exactly how to get it to work "in theory" but can't find the GSAP methods to do it, then we'll be here to help you out with those.

    • Like 2
  16. Hi Voo,


    .delay() can be a bit misleading – when you call blue.play().delay(0.5), you set the initial delay for blue to 0.5s. When you call it again later on, you set that initial delay to 0.5s again, which doesn't do anything because it was already set to that value.


    The reason it doesn't wait again is because .delay() is only for the initial delay, that is the time before the animation plays for the first time. It is not part of the animation itself (which is why it isn't affected by the animation's timeScale). If you reverse the animation and then play it again, it will go to its starting position, but that initial delay is already 'gone'.


    If you want a tween that always starts after 0.5s, an easy way would be to use the position parameter like this:

    blue.to('.blue', 1, {x: '500%', ease: Power4.easeIn}, 0.5);


    If you want to add a waiting period at the end of an animation, you can add an empty tween like this: 

    red.to({}, 0.5, {});

    (or add a label)


    That way, when you reverse the animation, it will first "tween" nothing for 0.5s, then proceed with the tween that comes before that.


    (PS: this is a very minor thing, but maybe not everyone is a guy here ;) )

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