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Everything posted by 108saimon

  1. Sorry, a find answer. Need use some like : $('a').click(function(e){ event.preventDefault(); var thishref = this.getAttribute('href'); TweenMax.to('body', 1 , {opacity: 0, onComplete : href_redirect, onCompleteParams:[thishref] }); // use onCompleate + onCompleteParams }); function href_redirect(t_href) { document.location.href=t_href; }
  2. Hi, Everyone! I faced some problem in my code. Maybe i just not understand GSAP api. I have code like : $('a').click(function(e){ event.preventDefault(); var thishref = this.getAttribute('href'); //code down for some animation before redirect, in this example very simple TweenMax.to('body', 0 , {display: 'none', delay: 1, onComplete : href_redirect(thishref) }); }); function href_redirect(t_href) { document.location.href=t_href; } in theory sequencing be like : click to link > my animation start > my animation end > redirect . but in real - instant redirects, without waiting animation end. in now i forced use code like : $('a').click(function(e){ event.preventDefault(); var thishref = this.getAttribute('href'); TweenMax.to('body', 0 , {display: 'none', delay: 1, onComplete : href_redirect(thishref) }); }); function href_redirect(t_href) { setTimeout(function(){document.location.href=t_href;},3000); // delay manually } Someone please answer me - what i doing wrong in first example.
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