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Everything posted by TonyUK

  1. Thanks...this is brilliant! Loving the custom graph and being able to have the end position the same as the start position with moves inbetween is great! Cheers
  2. ...have just figured it out using Elastic ease instead of RoughEase: TweenLite.fromTo("#rect", 4.5, { rotation: -20}, {rotation: 0,ease:Elastic. easeOut.config( 5, 0.1)}); Works fine.
  3. Hi, I wonder if anyone can help with this. I would like the reclangle to shake with rotation: 20, to rotation:-20, decreasing til it stops at its original rotation...which is 0. TweenLite.fromTo("#rect", 2, { rotation: 20}, { rotation: -20, ease: RoughEase.ease.config({ strength: 5, points: 20, taper:"out", randomize: false}), clearProps: "rotation"}); }; The problem is that because the "To" bit of the tween is a rotation value, so the rectangle shakes back and forth fine, but gradually going to the rotation: -20 (which i dont want). Any ideas please?
  4. HI Rodrigo, Thanks for the prompt reply, It's going to be rather difficult for me to illustrate the problem using codepen as it is a canvas project i am working on. The elements that i am animating are in the canvas library and are referenced in the javascript code like this: var navigation = new lib.navigation(); this.addChild(navigation); navigation.x = 58; navigation.y = 500; which i can't illustrate using codepen? Any thoughts?
  5. HI, I have been using GSAP JS successfully in an HTML5 canvas project to do this sort of thing: TweenMax.to(navigation, 0.2, {scaleX:1.1, scaleY:1.1, ease: Power2. easeOut}); I am trying to play around and use some other effects, but having NO success with this: TweenMax.to(navigation, 2, {boxShadow:"0px 0px 10px 10px black"}); Now i know that to use "boxShadow" i need to use the CSS Plugin, though as i have: <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/latest/TweenMax.min.js"></script> in my html, that should be sufficient? Can you please help me to apply the CSS effects to my elements that are loaded thus: var navigation = new lib.navigation(); this.addChild(navigation); navigation.x = 58; navigation.y = 500; Many thanks, Tony
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