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Everything posted by hipe

  1. Thanks! I have since discovered several ways I could have better utilized Draggable, ways that will reduce the code bloat here. Ya, i intend for this to be the "backend" for an angular directive, once I get around to getting my head around angular (and by then hopefully it will have its own dedicated github repository, etc)
  2. yay - my first codpen. i got excited about OSUblake's demo, and ended up making a version tailor-made to my requirements, that's vertical-only: http://codepen.io/h1p3/pen/jbWNVR synopsis: The height of the tiles is determined solely by content (and CSS). it never rewrites to the DOM, only alters the CSS transform matrix of the tiles. GSAP timelines are used. I implemented my own equivalent of hitTest and getDirection, for reasons. there is an obnoxious amount of documentation in the 1K lines of code this is only a draft - this thing doesn't yet "emit" the new order to anywhere note that I "hand parse" the CSS "transform" property in one place - this isn't pretty i'm working on making this an angular directive .. maybe all suggestions welcome!
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