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Posts posted by lasadorian

  1. basically i followed the new video on lynda whcih was great!.


    But i am trying to figure out a simple way to animate out of screen an element.


    var tl1 = new TimelineMax();
    tl1.to('#myAd', .4, {opacity: 1})
    .from('#myAd_yellowtab', 2.2, { left: -80, ease: Power2.easeOut }, '-=.5')
    .from('#myAd_tagline1', 3, { opacity: 0, left: -180, ease: Power4.easeOut, }, '-=2.6')
    .from('#myAd_tagline2', 3, { delay:2, opacity: 0, left: -180, ease: Power4.easeOut }, '-=3.6')
    .from('#myAd_tagline3', 3, { delay:4, opacity: 0, left: -380, ease: Power4.easeOut,  }, '-=3.6')
    .from('#myAd_cta', 1.3, { opacity: 0, top: 300, ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, '-=1.8');
    so both tagline 1 and 2 tween into the scene then i want them to tween out.
    I'm not sure how to attack that in a simple manner.. reverse? yoyo? when i tried to just make another line of code nothing happend.
    any help?
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