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Everything posted by lasadorian

  1. final fix was declaring a border box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; and then applying a 0 padding and 0 margin to the body tag css.
  2. http://codepen.io/iam76/pen/pjbdyM that def helped it appear in code pen now to see what the agency says
  3. Well i got them to display on my personal server.... http://www.christophermdickens.com/testing/dba/tc/banner_ad.html my ad blocker was blocking them... still not loading on codepen though... any thoughts from people on why these would fail and display broken once handed in to ad agency ad server.
  4. I have a banner ad that works locally but when added to a server or even code pen it won't display. when added to agency ad server it displays broken as well. please give a hand http://codepen.io/iam76/pen/pjbdyM
  5. thank you this will work.. was just a simple miss use of the .from... needed a .to looks like i have more studying to do.
  6. thanks for the response. let me try that out and will from now on make demos. thanks for your time
  7. basically i followed the new video on lynda whcih was great!. But i am trying to figure out a simple way to animate out of screen an element. var tl1 = new TimelineMax(); tl1.to('#myAd', .4, {opacity: 1}) .from('#myAd_yellowtab', 2.2, { left: -80, ease: Power2.easeOut }, '-=.5') .from('#myAd_tagline1', 3, { opacity: 0, left: -180, ease: Power4.easeOut, }, '-=2.6') .from('#myAd_tagline2', 3, { delay:2, opacity: 0, left: -180, ease: Power4.easeOut }, '-=3.6') .from('#myAd_tagline3', 3, { delay:4, opacity: 0, left: -380, ease: Power4.easeOut, }, '-=3.6') .from('#myAd_cta', 1.3, { opacity: 0, top: 300, ease: Back.easeOut.config(1.7) }, '-=1.8'); so both tagline 1 and 2 tween into the scene then i want them to tween out. I'm not sure how to attack that in a simple manner.. reverse? yoyo? when i tried to just make another line of code nothing happend. any help?
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