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Everything posted by RRorg

  1. Fixed it myself! stroke-linecap:round; stroke-linejoin:round; did the trick!
  2. For some reasons, the MorphSVG plugin is producing a strange little edge on the right corner of the SVG. Does someone of the pros have an idea how to fix this? Thank you!
  3. Thank you! No more Donger-Raising for me
  4. I'm repeatedly animating an SVG path with TweenMax.to: function wink() { TweenMax.to($righthand, 0.4, { x: 60, y: -60, rotation: -120, ease: Power1.easeInOut, transformOrigin: 'left bottom' }); TweenMax.to($righthand, 0.15, { rotation: -90, yoyo: true, ease: Power1.easeInOut, repeat: 5, delay: 0.4, transformOrigin: 'left top' }); TweenMax.to($righthand, 0.4, { x: 0, y: 0, rotation: 0, delay: 1.25, ease: Power1.easeInOut, transformOrigin: 'left bottom', onComplete: function() { $righthand.css('transform', ''); setTimeout(wink, 5000 + Math.random() * 10000); } }); } even resetting the transform property in the onComplete function. As long as the window is open, everything is fine. Now, using the latest Chrome on Mac OS X, if you keep the animation running in a background tab for a few minutes, the path slowly starts creeping away - see the attached screenshot, the hand of the animal has somehow transformed into an obscene dongus. While funny, I'd love to know if there is a fix for this. Thank you!
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