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Everything posted by Varun

  1. Thanks Carl . You saved my life. Really great work done by Greeksock.
  2. Basically I am doing reel Spinning. So i found BlitMask a better option now. But i have one query in this. Can i update the Reel Symbols at run time, while reel spinning? i tried to remove a movieclip child but its not updating in the reel. i tried bm.update() also for this. But no effect. So can you help me in this?
  3. Hi, I have an animation, which run for infinity time, until server response. I have created infinity response by repeat :-1 in TweenMax. My Code is below var tween:TweenMax; tween = TweenMax.to(reel.getChildAt(i), speed, {ease:Linear.easeNone, repeat:-1, onUpdate:updateSymbolPosition, onUpdateParams:[reel, reel.getChildAt(i) as MovieClip, tween]}); Now I want to update the reel symbol y position on Update function. so what should i do for this? private function updateSymbolPosition(reel:MovieClip, currentElement:MovieClip, tween:TweenMax):void { //What should i write here to update the currentElement y position? //i can add currentElement.y to update this. But i need new target position to update in TweenMax object, for a better smooth animation. }
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