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  1. This is very helpful! Thank you! I see now... When I allow each individual tween to finish, the repeat begins from the expexted position. Setting "TweenLite.defaultOverwrite = false" fixes the issue pretty easily without having to make any changes but I'll try to rewrite my tween chain without overlaps- for cleanliness.
  2. Hi all, I've just discovered GSAP and think it's the coolest! - but I've run into a small wall. I am making an animation sequence of a dog's front leg while walking- using TimelineMax to animate a few svg paths I've made which represent different parts of the leg- thigh, ankle, etc. Using a long chain of .to() methods I have been able to animate the leg to swing forward and then back to its starting position. I want to simulate a walking leg by cycling the animation continuously- using TimelineMax({repeat:-1}) but there is an issue with the repeat. When the TimelineMax begins the repeat, it starts from a different position than intended. The start position of the repeat looks different than the original svg (and the svg after animation), making the animation not-smooth and just weird in general. Please check out the codepen linked here. (note: You'll have to scroll half-way down the page to see the animation). Thanks! Andre
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