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Everything posted by nofear87

  1. thanks but I implement it in the same way... and still the same error. tl.call(updateSceneData, null, 20); this for example works for me. Edit: But there the problem is, that the absolute positioning did not work.
  2. I try to add a callback to my timeline tweens.push(tl.addCallback(updateSceneData,10)); but always get an error that addCallback is not a function...any ideas?
  3. any idea how to do this on collada model?
  4. I have used the following code to create a mesh object var defaultPartGeometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); var defaultPartMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0xff0000, wireframe: false}); default = new THREE.Mesh(defaultPartGeometry, defaultPartMaterial); default.position.set(0,0.25,0); scene.add(default) How can I make this invisible? Setting the opacity for this object to null did not work. I adress the object by its ID and then try to set the opacity (I also have tried to adress the material (object.material)) object = .scene.getObjectByName(ID); tweens.push(tl.to(object, 2, {opacity: 0}, e.time)); Tween the position is working: tweens.push(tl.to(object.position, 2, {x: target.X, z: target.Y}, e.time)) Hope you can help.
  5. app.animation(".test", function() { return { enter: function(element, done) { TweenMax.from(element, 3, {x: 500, opacity:0, onComplete:done}); }, leave: function(element, done) { TweenMax.to(element, 3, {x: 500, opacity:0, onComplete:done}); } } }); When I add this class to a simple div with text it works well. But when i add it to a bootstrap class like col or row. The toggle works, but the animation didn't fire.
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