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  1. Thank you for the feedback. I did consider the dummy-frame1 approach, but I didn't want to use unnecessary code. I think the second option fits my needs perfectly (=
  2. jeffklunder

    Seamless loop

    HI all, So, just started playing around with GSAP. Being more familiar with Google Web Designer, I'm very impressed with GSAP. Makes creating animation a whole lot easier. As a first, simple test I wanted to make a banner with 3 frames. This works fine, but I can't seem to find a way to seamless go from frame 3 to frame 1. As is is now, frame 3 slides out of view, showing a background image. What I would like it to do is frame 2 slides out, revealing frame 3; frame 3 slides out, revealing frame 1. Is this possible or am I just failing? (= The example can be seen here: http://codepen.io/jeffklunder/pen/ZGeQyM Thanks... Jeff
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