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  1. Thank you, I did not realize there was a separate plugin. Also, my duration was set to milliseconds, so I fixed that and now it is working perfectly!
  2. Here is my code. TweenLite.to(options.element.selector, options.duration.attract, { scrollTo: { y: options.columns.left.height() - 1920 }, ease: options.easing, onComplete: function () { _this.scroller(true); } }); Where: options.element.selector = string of element options.duration.attract = integer value options.column.left.height() = height of element - height of window options.easing = Linear.easeNone _this.scroller(true) = special function that repeats things All I am getting is this message: invalid scrollTo tween value: [object Object] Here is the code as if it were written using jQuery animate, which works: options.element.animate({ scrollTop: options.columns.left.height() - 1920 }, { duration: options.duration.attract, easing: options.easing, complete: function () { _this.scroller(true); } });
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