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Everything posted by OneManLaptop

  1. Haha, great work, it all links together so smoothly. Really nice.
  2. Cheers Carl, that's certainly fixed it and it's prompted me to brush up on the details of the tween / timeline relationship. Thanks for your fast and thorough help as always.
  3. I'm going to assume I've missed something I'll be blushing for in a few minutes, but I've been banging my head against this and just can't work it out. All I am attempting to do, is call a function via the onRepeat callback when it is applied to a tween in a yoyo repeat state. I've tried numerous variations of the code and can confirm that if I use onComplete, the callback works, and if I use onRepeat on the timeline rather than a tween, then that also works but that's no use to me as I need to call multiple callbacks on separate tweens. I'm sure this is something very simple but for the life of me I can't work it out, if people could check out the codepen and let me know what's wrong, that would be great. http://codepen.io/OneManLaptop/pen/VvJOMQ?editors=001
  4. Thanks very much for that example. It's a great stripped down model that I can dissect and learn from. Thanks for taking the time.
  5. Would Scroll Magic work for you? It may be a bit like going after a bug with a bazooka, but amongst the hundred other things it does, it can pin a page in place and it is best run with GSAP. Might be worth taking a look, although I'm not sure how it handles swiping or touch?
  6. Oh man, my fault, I was calling the function from the onComplete of a staggerTo, hence why things were going a little nuts my end. It's the end of a loooong ass day. Thanks again for all the help from both yourself and the mighty Diaco.AW.
  7. No problem. Just as a quick follow up to the original question, I'm trying to add a callback to the timeline, but it's (of course) being called every time the timeline runs. I actually just need it to perform the callback once, after all the tweens have finished. Is that possible?
  8. Okay, it seems after I restarted Safari, the bug went away with extensions enabled or disabled. Strange, but just for reference I was using the latest build of Safari on an iMac. Please feel free to delete anything not pertaining to the original question.
  9. Test post with Safari restarted and extensions re-enabled
  10. Test post with a full restart of Safari and Extensions disabled.
  11. Test post with extensions disabled
  12. Same result with the site white listed.
  13. Thanks Carl, I'm sure I'll have a few more questions in the months to come. My first fully GSAP powered website is coming on a treat, I've been so inspired by the examples of sites already posted. Edit: Just a quick FYI, every time I hit reply the forum spits out a few hundred lines of this: Warning: Illegal string offset 'post' in /home/greensoc/public_html/forums/hooks/StopSpamAjax_435022f28bbe04c34c3a760af68881c7.php on line I am running Ghostery, so maybe that's the reason?
  14. That works a treat, thanks a lot.
  15. Hey, GSAP forum. Over the past few months I've been having a blast getting to grips with GSAP, as I've transitioned my entire workflow from CSS3 to GSAP. It's had its challenges, but nobody could say this site doesn't provide enough resources to get up to speed with the library, so thanks to everyone on the team for all the great work that's done here. So my problem likely betrays a gap in my general javascript knowledge as much as anything else, but it is however intricately linked to something I want to do with GSAP. Basically I want to tween a group of elements to the value contained in their relevant data- attributes. I've put together a simple code pen to show what I'm after as you can see in the foot of this post. So it should be pretty self explanatory. I click the start button and the tweens should grow to the percentage value contained in data-width and the pixel value of data-height. I've been able to set tweens with fixed variables in the past, but this goes beyond me right now. Thanks for any and all assistance.
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