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Everything posted by benoit

  1. I will try to remember this ><
  2. Is there a better way to make this, without "tl.call()" ?
  3. OK, I will make an array of TL
  4. Codepen updated with comments and result under the line…
  5. The final sub timeline will be more complexe (like Morph), but for now with the same mouvement and the same seek, positions are different.
  6. Hi, I think I do it this wrong… and it's not like expected ?
  7. Hi, I think I did it but it's not look very smooth… Any tricks to do it better ?
  8. benoit

    HSL tween

    Hi, How can I deal with HSL tween, after RGBtoHSL I have a tween between RGB… I make an array of my colors to fixe this, but may be there something better?
  9. benoit

    drawSVG and Pixi

    May be I need to make an await function to deal with my slow svg to texture
  10. benoit

    drawSVG and Pixi

    https://codepen.io/benoitwimart/pen/JjBXXrd?editors=1111 If I understand how to deal with all ticks, I try an onUpdate on the `gsap.to()` it's not work. I can change the FPS, to view something ^^'
  11. benoit

    drawSVG and Pixi

    Hi, Is there another way to do this ? I think ```updateBoule``` is slow and ugly
  12. Thank You @akapowl !
  13. My best test : https://codepen.io/benoitwimart/pen/zYPeMBa
  14. Hi, I don't understand how to pin two elements or if this is possible with scrollTriger. In my codepen I would like to pin ".main" and remove the white space.
  15. benoit

    Sound and Timeline

    OK I found my error ! ```repeat:1``` is 1 time + 1 repeat https://codepen.io/benoitwimart/pen/JjOYWRB?editors=1010
  16. benoit

    Sound and Timeline

    I made another pen with tl.play (left and yellow bar) VS tick (right and blue bar)… tick version is faster (maybe timeScale + progress need a tricks) ? https://codepen.io/benoitwimart/pen/JjOYbYg
  17. benoit

    Sound and Timeline

    Hi, I try to make my own player with timeline and sound butI don't know what's wrong in my codepen. Read the sound, is good in synch but seek and pause fail. In my case, I change the timeScale to make it easy to "snap" with half-note and use "progress" to "seek". The yellow circle is the open hit hat and is not good when I "seek" or "pause" the sound. Any idea, any similar tools (with sound, I know GSDEVtools) ?
  18. JS version is online : https://www.opacoise.fr/opac2022/
  19. @OSUblake thank you great PixiJS + GSAP master
  20. Hello, No question, just GSAP fanboy I've just finish this project : - Animation with GSAP and PixiJS (from SVG to json and sprite + PNG) - Export in png with PHP - And mp4 made with FFMPEG (sound is made with Ableton)
  21. function isNum(n) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && !isNaN(n - 0) } let d= "M23,80.5 C48,64.83333 73,49.16667 98,33.5 80.16667,28.5 62.33333,23.5 44.5,18.5 53.16667,49.16667 61.83333,79.83333 70.5,110.5 "; d = d.trim().replaceAll(/([A-Z])+/ig, "$1 "); d = d.replaceAll(/,/ig, " "); d = d.split(' ') let format = {"C":7,"M":3,"L":3,"V":2,"H":2,"Q":5,"Z":0}; d.forEach((e,i) => { if(!isNum(e)){ if(isNum(d[i+format[e]])) d.splice(i+format[e], 0, e); } }); Pretty Ugly
  22. Thank you @Cassie (I looked at your site last night and now you are answering my question ) I work with SVG and opentypeJS, so I need to format my path. So I will make a split regex replace swip wizzz function to deal with this.
  23. Hi, SVG/GSAP question Why the end of the d value is like this ? The "C curveTo " have 18 arguments for 6 (C x1 y1, x2 y2, x y) ? Anyway to "normalize" this?
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