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  1. Thanks Jack. I have submitted the issue as a bug to Adobe.
  2. I am facing a similar issue with the blur as well as the bevel filter. I think the problem is with the 'remove' property. The mask is dynamically drawn in a shape object and applied through actionscript. I feel that the filters in some way change the size of the mask but refreshing the window or maximizing it solves the problem. Would welcome any solutions if other people are also facing a similar problem. Please test the following code with the last line commented and then active. import gs.*; import gs.easing.*; import gs.plugins.*; TweenPlugin.activate([blurFilterPlugin, TransformAroundPointPlugin, SetSizePlugin, TintPlugin, VolumePlugin, BevelFilterPlugin, EndArrayPlugin, ColorMatrixFilterPlugin, GlowFilterPlugin, AutoAlphaPlugin, QuaternionsPlugin, RoundPropsPlugin, ColorTransformPlugin, ShortRotationPlugin, FramePlugin, RemoveTintPlugin, BezierThroughPlugin, TransformAroundCenterPlugin, VisiblePlugin, FrameLabelPlugin, BezierPlugin, HexColorsPlugin, DropShadowFilterPlugin]); var mySquare:Sprite = new Sprite(); var maskCir:Shape = new Shape(); mySquare.graphics.beginFill(0x000000); mySquare.graphics.drawRect(0,0,200,200); mySquare.graphics.endFill(); maskCir.graphics.beginFill(0x000000); maskCir.graphics.drawCircle(100,100,50); maskCir.graphics.endFill(); addChild(mySquare); addChild(maskCir); mySquare.mask=maskCir; TweenMax.to(mySquare, 2, {blurFilter:{blurX:20, blurY:20, remove:true}});
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