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Everything posted by AJeezy9

  1. Hey all, I am trying to create a tween that morphs an element into a larger element, & then back. To do this, I am animating the element's starting height, width, top, and left properties to the desired size and position. I am able to complete a timeline that accomplishes this using either: (a) a single tween that morphs the object to its final position and size or ( two consecutive tweens that first morphs the position than the size... but I am wondering whether it is possible to animate the properties with different timings, e.g., I would like the height and width to begin animating a quarter of a second after the top and left position begin transitioning. Using CSS, I would be able to set both transition timing and delays specific to each property, so I assume I can probably do the same using GSAP, yet I'm just not sure how.
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