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jimmy j

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Posts posted by jimmy j

  1. Hello Jonathan,

    Thanks so much for your answer!


    Here I have another question about tweening the skew value.

    I have modified the codePen demo a bit. 

    The third red square animation is what I want to achieve, but I would like to achieve it by tweening "skewY" property instead of using "transform".



  2. Thanks for pointing out the way how to tween different properties at the same time. 

    I have no problem to tween other properties at all. I only have issues with "skewY". 


    With this line of code: 

    TweenMax.to(d1,1,{skewY:45,skewType:"simple",transformOrigin:"0% 0%"})

    Not only the object's skewY property got tweened, but also the "scaleY" has changed unexpectedly. I don't know why it behaves in this way...



    Another question that I have is shown below:

    TweenMax.to(d2, 0, {
    TweenMax.to(d2, 1, {
      transform: "skewY(45deg)",
      transformOrigin: "0% 0%"

    I first scaled and rotated the object, but when I tween the "skewY", the object's scale and rotation values has been automatically set back to 0...


  3. Hello Jonathan,


    I'm sorry that I didn't make my question clear.


    I would like to tween the "skewY" value along with "scaleX". But I couldn't figure out a way to tween both of these simultaneously.

    As you could see from the URL that I posted, the object got stretched when I tween the "skewY" value.


    Thanks again for your help.

  4. Hello,


    I'm trying to animate the skewY value with: 

    TweenMax.to(d1,1,{skewY:45,skewType:"simple",transformOrigin:"0% 0%"})


    But the object would get stretched.(scaleY also changed unexpectedly)


    The reason why I set skewType to "simple" is that I would also like to animate the scale value of the object. The default skew type "compensated" will reset object's scale value when animating skewY... 

    See the Pen NrrBaK?editors=0010 by lzy100p (@lzy100p) on CodePen

  5. I'm trying to TweenMax.to(JS version) a div which contains 2 gifs(640x1008). It is doing fine on pc. But it becomes super slow on iphone 4s. (fine on iphone 6 though).  The strange thing is that: the animation is fine if there's only 1 gif in the div.

    I've made a testing page: (Tap the gif will remove it. animation with 1 gif is smooth, but 2 gif is problematic.)


    I've also made a short vid clip:

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