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jimmy j

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Everything posted by jimmy j

  1. Awesome! Thanks so much for your help!
  2. Hello Jonathan, Thanks so much for your answer! Here I have another question about tweening the skew value. I have modified the codePen demo a bit. http://codepen.io/lzy100p/pen/NrrBaK?editors=0010 The third red square animation is what I want to achieve, but I would like to achieve it by tweening "skewY" property instead of using "transform".
  3. Thanks for pointing out the way how to tween different properties at the same time. I have no problem to tween other properties at all. I only have issues with "skewY". With this line of code: TweenMax.to(d1,1,{skewY:45,skewType:"simple",transformOrigin:"0% 0%"}) Not only the object's skewY property got tweened, but also the "scaleY" has changed unexpectedly. I don't know why it behaves in this way... Another question that I have is shown below: TweenMax.to(d2, 0, { scaleX:2,scaleY:2,rotation:30 }) TweenMax.to(d2, 1, { transform: "skewY(45deg)", transformOrigin: "0% 0%" }) I first scaled and rotated the object, but when I tween the "skewY", the object's scale and rotation values has been automatically set back to 0... Thanks!
  4. Hello Jonathan, I'm sorry that I didn't make my question clear. I would like to tween the "skewY" value along with "scaleX". But I couldn't figure out a way to tween both of these simultaneously. As you could see from the URL that I posted, the object got stretched when I tween the "skewY" value. Thanks again for your help.
  5. Hello, I'm trying to animate the skewY value with: TweenMax.to(d1,1,{skewY:45,skewType:"simple",transformOrigin:"0% 0%"}) But the object would get stretched.(scaleY also changed unexpectedly) The reason why I set skewType to "simple" is that I would also like to animate the scale value of the object. The default skew type "compensated" will reset object's scale value when animating skewY...
  6. Thanks a lot! I will try to optimize the gif and see if that would solve the issue. The weird thing is that tweening large gifs with CSS3 is very smooth...
  7. I'm trying to TweenMax.to(JS version) a div which contains 2 gifs(640x1008). It is doing fine on pc. But it becomes super slow on iphone 4s. (fine on iphone 6 though). The strange thing is that: the animation is fine if there's only 1 gif in the div. I've made a testing page: (Tap the gif will remove it. animation with 1 gif is smooth, but 2 gif is problematic.) I've also made a short vid clip:
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