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Everything posted by Rabies

  1. I don't know if this already exists, I don't think it does... Sometimes when animating, you want a sort of stepped / low frame rate kind of look, without resorting to making the entire Flash movie low frame rate. So how about an option that can simulate this?
  2. Rabies

    killAll ?

    Is killAll only available in TweenMax? I get an error when trying to use it with TweenLite.
  3. They are grumpy because those other packages are too complicated to use! Check this out, It looks like this game is entirely made using TweenMax 11 features: http://www.playsomegames.com/play/catch-the-mouse/
  4. Greensock, you are the coolest sock on the planet. I just wanted to say that. I'm just now getting acquainted with the new features in 11 and WOW. Motion Blur as a simple flag?! Holy cow! (I mean, Holy Sock!). Kudos to you. I'll be making another membership upgrade soon. You deserve it.
  5. Using a tween to move an object every frame is kind of a weird solution. Normally all you do is yourObject._x += StepAmount; and that's it! Why invoke a tween? I also wanted to add that Flash doesn't do monitor refresh syncing, so you're gonna get tearing regardless, even if you are the best actionscripter on the planet.
  6. Good points (especially #2) I'll stick with duplicates.
  7. Maybe a dumb question, but instead of having my /com/ folder in every project directory, is there a way to put it somewhere in the main Flash application folders so that Flash knows its there and can import from there? (in other words, kind of like how component extensions only have one place to "install" them to). ??
  8. It works with version 11. So... I will switch.
  9. I'm sorry to be a pain, but your example above does not work. It kills the tween and does not trigger the complete function. I have attached my FLA. The version in TweenLite.as says: VERSION: 10.092 DATE: 3/31/2009 I guess I'll just try to upgrade to 11.
  10. Re Forum: I thought you archived or deleted older forum posts, because when I search for posts under my user name, only these two 2010 threads come up. There is something wrong with your forum Search. Under my user profile it says I have 33 posts: Total posts: 33 | Search user’s posts However when I click Search User's Posts or I click "view your posts", nothing older than 2010 shows up in the results. Re Tween kill completion: I will go explore your examples above now. Note that the _parent._parent. targetting was working fine. The tween DOES get killed. However the function and parameters do not trigger. I will do a test, as I suspect the tween is "looking" for the functions to complete in the wrong place.
  11. You can close this thread. I found an alternate way to trigger the function (outside of tweenLite). But if you know what im doing wrong, I wouldn't mind to know. I'd love to look up the old solution in the old forum.
  12. Where is the documentation for version 10 (AS2)? I don't want to have to go through an entire old project to upgrade it to 11.
  13. Its not working. The function is not triggering. TweenLite.killTweensOf(_parent._parent.PLAYTILE, true);
  14. PS: I KNOW we had this discussion already, but when I search for all my past posts, NOTHING shows up. Therefore, I was forced to waste your time again... (Why did you hide your old forum? You could have simply locked it, but leave it searchable for legacy support).
  15. Thanks. Is that link to AS2 or AS3 version? It doesnt say anywhere.
  16. I've got a tween that looks like this: TweenLite.to(this, 0.4, {_x:dx, _y:dy, ease:Expo.easeOut, onComplete:completeTileReturn, onCompleteParams:[this.sourceTile]}); I had an issue where if this tween wasnt completed yet, and a StartDrag was attempted on the clip, the position of it would be way off. So the solution was to do this first: TweenLite.killTweensOf(_parent._parent.PLAYTILE); Works great except that the onComplete does not get triggered, so I have essentially traded one bug for another. Is there any way to force the onComplete and params?
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