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bill young

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  1. I got this all working. Unfortunately... it is SOOO slow and laggy in Safari and FireFox it is Not usable. and it is creating this weird Box around the text. Having to strip it all out and use something else. Disappointed.
  2. https://codepen.io/beyoung2/pen/eYZYOve ScrollTrigger not triggering second headline... will need to do this multiple times on the page.
  3. This is great. But I am having trouble getting other animations on the page to work with ScrollTrigger now. If I "register" ScrollTrigger, it breaks the blur. gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); No blur. ... but If I comment that out... the blur works... i can animate other elements, but it is not ScrollTrigging the animations... they are just play on load, so they are in their final state by the time i scroll to them. I am stuck.
  4. Can this be incorporated with the new ScrollTrigger code? How would that work?
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