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Posts posted by TripleToe

  1. Is there any update on this?  I was looking for a way to fine tune the Bounce.easeOut easing equation and couldn't find a way to do it.  When I was using TweenMax in Flex, I had the CustomEase option, but I'm not sure how to fine tune an easing equation in the Javascript version.

  2. I'm still hitting this issue after getting the latest v12 Javascript code. When I call TweenMax.killAll(), I get this: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: getAllTweens. I'm running this in Dojo by the way.


    Any ideas?

  3. I 'm trying to use the MotionBlur plugin in a Flex 4 application. The component that I'm trying to apply the motionblur to is a SkinnableComponent which is parented by a Group. When I run the motionBlur, I get this error:


    Error: addChildAt() is not available in this class. Instead, use addElementAt() or modify the skin, if you have one.
    at spark.components::Group/addChildAt()[E]
    at com.greensock.plugins::MotionBlurPlugin/set changeFactor()[/src/com/greensock/plugins/MotionBlurPlugin.as]
    at com.greensock::TweenMax/renderTime()[/src/com/greensock/TweenMax.as]
    at com.greensock::TimelineMax/renderTime()[/src/com/greensock/TimelineMax.as]
    at com.greensock.core::SimpleTimeline/renderTime()[/src/com/greensock/core/SimpleTimeline.as]
    at com.greensock::TweenLite$/updateAll()[/src/com/greensock/TweenLite.as]


    This is obviously because the motionBlur plugin is working with Sprites and Display objects and it seems to be conflicting with the way that Flex 4 handles the parenting of items in the displaylist (ie using addElement rather than addChild). Is there a way around this? Will motionBlur be updated to work with Flex 4?

  4. Yes, this is what I ended up doing and it works for me. I was just thinking it would be cool to use the plugin form, which seems a little cleaner. I guess I could copy the DynamicPropsPlugin and change it to work with a function that returns a string instead of a number, right?


    Also, is this a good way to get the percentage complete for the tween? Or is there a better way?


    var percent:Number = (TweenMax.getTweensOf(_relationshipPath)[0] as TweenMax).currentProgress;


    Thanks! :)

  5. I am trying to tween the data value of a spark Path graphicelement. The data property is a string value. Since it is a dynamic value that changes as the tween progresses, I wanted to do something like this:


    TweenMax.to(mypath, 1, {dynamicProps:{data:getPathData},  onComplete:onPathAnimationComplete});
    private function data:getPathData():String
       var percent:Number = (TweenMax.getTweensOf(_relationshipPath)[0] as TweenMax).currentProgress;
       return "M 100 " + currentX*percent + " C 10 10" ;  


    The only issue is the the dynamicPropsPlugin only returns a Number value so I'm getting a value of "NaN" when data is set. Clearly this will not work. What is the best way to achieve the setting of a string value that changes dynamically? And is my setting of the percent value a good way to get the progression of the Tween or is there a more efficient way?




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