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About TripleToe

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  1. Was there ever a resolution for this? I'm running into the exact same problem....
  2. Is there any update on this? I was looking for a way to fine tune the Bounce.easeOut easing equation and couldn't find a way to do it. When I was using TweenMax in Flex, I had the CustomEase option, but I'm not sure how to fine tune an easing equation in the Javascript version.
  3. My fault. I had a second copy of (an older) TweenMax that I was point to instead of the one I had updated. Working now
  4. I'm still hitting this issue after getting the latest v12 Javascript code. When I call TweenMax.killAll(), I get this: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: getAllTweens. I'm running this in Dojo by the way. Any ideas?
  5. You work fast! I noticed today that you updated the MotionBlurPlugin. Works great now! Thanks!
  6. I 'm trying to use the MotionBlur plugin in a Flex 4 application. The component that I'm trying to apply the motionblur to is a SkinnableComponent which is parented by a Group. When I run the motionBlur, I get this error: Error: addChildAt() is not available in this class. Instead, use addElementAt() or modify the skin, if you have one. at spark.components::Group/addChildAt()[E] at com.greensock.plugins::MotionBlurPlugin/set changeFactor()[/src/com/greensock/plugins/MotionBlurPlugin.as] at com.greensock::TweenMax/renderTime()[/src/com/greensock/TweenMax.as] at com.greensock::TimelineMax/renderTime()[/src/com/greensock/TimelineMax.as] at com.greensock.core::SimpleTimeline/renderTime()[/src/com/greensock/core/SimpleTimeline.as] at com.greensock::TweenLite$/updateAll()[/src/com/greensock/TweenLite.as] This is obviously because the motionBlur plugin is working with Sprites and Display objects and it seems to be conflicting with the way that Flex 4 handles the parenting of items in the displaylist (ie using addElement rather than addChild). Is there a way around this? Will motionBlur be updated to work with Flex 4?
  7. Yes, this is what I ended up doing and it works for me. I was just thinking it would be cool to use the plugin form, which seems a little cleaner. I guess I could copy the DynamicPropsPlugin and change it to work with a function that returns a string instead of a number, right? Also, is this a good way to get the percentage complete for the tween? Or is there a better way? var percent:Number = (TweenMax.getTweensOf(_relationshipPath)[0] as TweenMax).currentProgress; Thanks!
  8. I am trying to tween the data value of a spark Path graphicelement. The data property is a string value. Since it is a dynamic value that changes as the tween progresses, I wanted to do something like this: TweenMax.to(mypath, 1, {dynamicProps:{data:getPathData}, onComplete:onPathAnimationComplete}); .... private function data:getPathData():String { var percent:Number = (TweenMax.getTweensOf(_relationshipPath)[0] as TweenMax).currentProgress; return "M 100 " + currentX*percent + " C 10 10" ; } The only issue is the the dynamicPropsPlugin only returns a Number value so I'm getting a value of "NaN" when data is set. Clearly this will not work. What is the best way to achieve the setting of a string value that changes dynamically? And is my setting of the percent value a good way to get the progression of the Tween or is there a more efficient way? Thanks Bill
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