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  1. Wow ! Thanks a lot @Rodrigo ! A full answer / guide / course in so little time. I knew for a while that Greensock team was available to help their users ( when it was Action Script time, it was only Jack , but he was there ! ). I should have searched and found the article you suggested me to read ( hooks and re-usable higher components ), but didn't. Just crossed the way of the new context article ( and was not sure of the new way to clean ). Hope this post will be a new way to find all these articles and a clear explanation of how it's possible to use GSAP in this stack. Still thanks @Rodrigo
  2. Hello GSAP community. I've already used GSAP in multiple react TS projects. Every thing works fine. I'm not posting for any issue BUT , I'm still a bit in the "fog" when it comes to be sure of the best practices in this particular stack ( React + TS ). In a very basic way, I'll declare any needed ref in any functional component : export const AnyFunctionalComponent: FunctionComponent<AnyFunctionalComponentProps> = () => { const animationTargetRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); const scrollTriggerTargetRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); then I use a useLayoutEffect ( to be sure all ref have a .current as the DOM is supposed to be completely rendered in the useLayoutEffect ) with the ref as depedancies and I double check that the ref exist as current before creating anyAnimation as gsap , and finally I add the anyAnimation.kill() to ensure every thing is clear if ref used for gsap are unmounted. useLayoutEffect(() => { const animationTargetCurrent = animationTargetRef.current; const scrollerDiv = document.getElementById("scroller"); const scrollTriggerCurrent = scrollTriggerTargetRef.current; if (animationTargetCurrent && scrollTriggerCurrent && scrollerDiv) { const anyAnimation = gsap.fromTo( animationTargetCurrent, { opacity: 0, y: 50, }, { y: 0, opacity: 1, duration: 1, ease: "none", scrollTrigger: { trigger: scrollTriggerCurrent, start: "top bottom", scroller: scrollerDiv, end: 200, scrub: 1, }, } ); return () => { anyAnimation.kill(); }; } }, [animationTargetRef, scrollTriggerTargetRef]); First of all, is this the good way to clear everything ? Another step for me , to clear a bit my code is to put the animation code in a useCallback function with the same ref dependancies : const anyAnimation = useCallback(() => { const animationTargetCurrent = animationTargetRef.current; const scrollerDiv = document.getElementById("scroller"); const scrollTriggerCurrent = scrollTriggerTargetRef.current; if (animationTargetCurrent && scrollTriggerCurrent && scrollerDiv) { const anyAnimation = gsap.fromTo( animationTargetCurrent, { opacity: 0, y: 50, }, { y: 0, opacity: 1, duration: 1, ease: "none", scrollTrigger: { trigger: scrollTriggerCurrent, start: "top bottom", scroller: scrollerDiv, end: 200, scrub: 1, }, } ); return () => { anyAnimation.kill(); }; } }, [animationTargetRef, scrollTriggerTargetRef]); useLayoutEffect(() => { anyAnimation(); }, [animationTargetRef, scrollTriggerTargetRef]); I'm not sure the the useCallback, neither the useCallback dependancies are really necessary , as it's already protected (memoized ? ) as the call is made in the useLayoutEffect with the same dependancies ? Right ? And last, this is not clear enough for me. I'd like to move all animation function anyAnimation in a hook to which we could pass the ref as arguments, to re-use the same code if needed, and clear the component that use it. BUT > we can't call a hook in a useEffect ( or in a useLayoutEffect ) . Any suggestions to write this ? Any source that could help ? In the same time, the first part of the question remains very important. What's the best way to clear any gsap animation and refs . Thanks in advance for your help/and suggestions.
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