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  1. Thanks so much for your detailed explaination. I know just enough programming to get me in trouble (clearly!) so I appreciate the help.
  2. Sorry about that. I sort of panicked when things suddenly didn't work. Here are the details. I'm using TweenMax and it seems to have gotten broken at version 1.13.0. When I go back to 1.12.1, everything works as it should. I think I've narrowed down the problem. I have a series of buttons named "_1", "_2", "_3", etc. When each button is clicked, it opens a popup (using TweenMax) with the corresponding name ("popup_1", "popup_2", etc.). So when you click a button, the button name gets passed to the function, where it gets combined with the word "popup" to make a variable, which in turn gets is used as the object of the TweenMax call. Here's the code on the button. <div id="cartoons" style="position:absolute; top:188px; left:38px; width:195px; height:296px; z-index:40;"> <a href="#" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('_1','','images/cartoonswork_over.png',1)"><img src="images/cartoonswork.png" alt="cartoons work" name="_1" width="195" height="296" border="0" id="_1" onclick="popIn(this.id);"/></a></div> Here is the function function popIn(obj) { itemNum = "popup" + obj; TweenLite.fromTo(itemNum, .3, {scaleX:.5, scaleY:.5, top:615, autoAlpha:0}, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, top:0, autoAlpha:1}); } If I pass the actual name of the popup and change the function to say itemNum = obj, then my code works with the later versions of TweenMax. But, for whatever reason, version 1.13.0 and later doesn't like my method. Here's a link to the complete site: http://otlcreativegroup.com/.
  3. I created a web site for someone about a year ago that uses TweenLite js. I just got a call from the client saying the site is no longer working. I think it might be something that has changed in the js since I created the site (it links to the CDN). Is there a way to download older versions of the js files?
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