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Everything posted by tarunfzr

  1. Hello, Thank you for replying. I removed the brackets and going the simple (photo1, photo2 ...) approach. I'm not sure why, but these id's are still not animating. I also tried animating just the common class (.photo), but that didnt work either. I forked your codepen thing and added in the exact code I am trying to use. Can you please take a look at it : http://codepen.io/tarunfzr/pen/LGpjr
  2. I'm trying to animate some images I am getting via instagram and appending to a <ul> item. But it seems like I cannot animate any of the dom elements that are being created during the api call. I have a simple <ul> like this : <ul class="instagram"> </ul> And then the js is like this : $.ajax({ type: "GET", dataType: "jsonp", url: "https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/1/media/recent/?access_token=MY_ACCESS_TOKEN", success: function(data) { //load 20 images into <li> elements for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) { $(".instagram").append("<li class ='photo' id='photo[" + i + "]'><img src='" + data.data[i].images.low_resolution.url + "'></img></li>"); } } }); //try to animate one of the images TweenLite.to($('#photo[1]'), 2, {opacity:"0.5", ease:Bounce.easeOut, delay:2}); This is not working for some reason. If i try to animate the <ul>, that works. But not the <li> or <img> elements. Does anyone know what i am doing wrong here?
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