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Michael Heuberger

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Everything posted by Michael Heuberger

  1. ummm, any idea how i can run the animation automatically with short delays inbetween?
  2. I am trying to run a short movie of background images without any animations between these. The code below does not work. Any ideas why? var frameHeight = 585 var timeline = new TimelineMax({useFrames: true}), i for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { timeline.append(TweenMax.to( '#spark h1 a', 1, { backgroundPosition: 'center -' + (frameHeight * i) + 'px', useFrames: true, frame: i } )) } this.addScene(new ScrollScene({ triggerHook: .5, triggerElement: this.getID(), duration: 400 }) .setTween(timeline) ) Thanks!
  3. Hello everyone How can I run both Tweens in parallel? .setTween(new TimelineMax() .add(TweenMax.fromTo('#intro', .5, { backgroundPosition: "50% 0vh" }, { backgroundPosition: "50% 20vh" })) .add(TweenMax.to('#intro p.hint', .5, {autoAlpha: 0})) ) Been searching for clues in their APIs but found none. Thanks for a quick hint! - Michael
  4. Here's another challenge: I would like to move letters from two long words into the center of the screen. From bottom. Each letter by random while the user is scrolling. How can we do this with ScrollMagic?
  5. Hello guys I have an interesting challenge here and need this effect to be done in the next 48 hours! Here is the HTML: <section id="edge"> <article> <div id="innovation"> <p>To provide</p> <h1><span>leading edge innovation</span></h1> </div> <div id="world"> <p>To the country at the</p> <h1><span>leading edge of the world</span></h1> </div> </article> </section> The section is one page among many other scrollable pages. It has two equal divs, each one is 50% wide on each side. div#innovation should move in from top to bottom, div#world should move in the opposite direction, from bottom to top. Both will disappear outside. They should move at the same speed while the user is scrolling down to the next page. How can we achieve this with ScrollMagic?
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