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About netroid

  • Birthday 08/07/1983

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  1. Yes, this works great Thanks
  2. "Are you reversing the timeline, but you don't want that first tween to reverse?" Exactly "simply put that tween off on its own or use a label to control how far the timeline plays in reverse" Ok, dont Know how to do this, can you explain without a Codepen?
  3. Hy Is der any way to set reverse:false on partial elements in Timeline like this: var Texte = new TimelineMax(); Texte .to(one, 1.5, {opacity:1}, REVERSE:FALSE ?!?) .to(two, 1.5, {opacity:1}) .to(three, 1.5, {opacity:1}) .to(text, 1.5, {opacity:1}) .staggerTo(likes, 1, {opacity:1, yoyo:true, repeat: 1}, 2) .to('.like:last()', 1, {opacity:1}, "-=1");
  4. strictUnits:true works perfect for my Project . Thanks for detailed Explanation an your Help
  5. Unfortunately, in this case that does not work fo me, because i need the percentage value so it remains smooth responsive. I know it isn't a Problem to tween from percentages to pixels with an .fromTo Tween, why this dosn't work by reverse on a Timeline? http://codepen.io/anon/pen/YNppPw
  6. After i reverse the Tween my Start Value "width:50px;" of the red box is no longer in pixels, but i need it so Is there Any way to solve that?
  7. netroid

    Viewport Limit

    Oh sorry, I'm not not so familiar width jQuery an thought my Mistake is in the GSAP Code. ...special thanks to you for helping me anyway
  8. netroid

    Viewport Limit

    I need to run a Function only over a Viewport of 795px. If I refresh my Browser under this Limit and then stretches it over, it works fine. But if I do it the reverse Way, the Effect not turns off, even though the function itself works wenn i test it with a simple alert. You can watch it under this Link (im talking about the four Divs in the Screenshot) http://netroid.ch/Projekte/mostkrug/speis-und-trank
  9. Hi I'm new here and also new with Greensock. I try to tween the height of a div with a variable height value like this: $( "#ambiente_button" ).click(function() { var subnav = document.getElementById("subnav"); var scrollHeight = $("#subnav").prop("scrollHeight"); TweenLite.to(subnav, 1.5, {height: scrollHeight}); }); Is that even possible?
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