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  1. @GreenSock Ok, thanks for you time. I will combine it with IntersectionObserver. It should work well.
  2. @GreenSock thanks for replay. I understand how inertia works but I expected that it tracks only if draggable is actived = dragStart event is fired. Is it safe manipulate with InertiaPlugin when Draggable handles it internally? If yes i will do it in callbacks.
  3. Hi all, I am trying to solve issue with Draggable. I run performance test on my site and I am able to see rendering tasks on main-thread, but page should be in idle state. I know GSAP has something like autoSleep but it seems that this not work for Draggable. Browser is doing uneccessary work. On weaker computers fan is running and on mobile devices the batery is warming and consuming. Is there any way how to impove it? I tryied .disable method but it not help. Thanks for help.
  4. Thanks Blake for great tip. You have right. I investigated only performace but no data. I will tell it to my colleague. It is a pity I did workshop to my team about this some time before.
  5. You have right. Relative percentage values did it. Layout trashing is gone. We now see other improvements but they are not connected to GSAP. Thank you so much. Best regards, Michal.
  6. Yes I understand. In animation it is using bezier with data from pathDataToBezier, BUT maybe problem is this TweenLite.set($dots, { xPercent:-10, yPercent:-10, transformOrigin:'50% 50%', }); before animation start. We will try it without this and I will let you know. Thanks for quick respond!
  7. Hi, I find out very bad performance issue when I am animating more SVG elements together. I have some knowledge how browser rendering performance works and then I discovered thru DEV timeline that it is layout trashing. You can try test it on live site here https://storyous.com/cz/ (animation in top banner) Here is a timeline bottom purple colls are like a usually layout trashing looks I investigated more. First I was very surprised that every svg transform animation going thru attribute. I saw some time before that svg animation went with style transform also like normal html node. After few minutes I find out why. https://github.com/greensock/GreenSock-JS/blob/master/src/uncompressed/plugins/CSSPlugin.js#L1200 It is some workaround. Do somebody know why? From comment it is not clear. Layout trashing is caused by reading BBOX https://github.com/greensock/GreenSock-JS/blob/master/src/uncompressed/TweenMax.js#L4293 and after setting attribute https://github.com/greensock/GreenSock-JS/blob/master/src/uncompressed/TweenMax.js#L4307 in loop with X elements In code should by some workaround like FastDom https://github.com/wilsonpage/fastdom Can somebody look on this issue? Can I help with something? Thanks, Michal (michal.matuska@superkoders.com)
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