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Everything posted by Arghya

  1. //This is CustomClass package { import flash.display.MovieClip; import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.data.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; public class CustomClass extends MovieClip { private var _emptyMC:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); private var _back:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); public var tweenArray:Array = new Array(); private var objecttween:TweenMax; public function CustomClass() { this.addChild(_emptyMC); _emptyMC.addChild(_back); drawShape(); } private function drawShape():void { _back.graphics.clear(); _back.graphics.beginFill(0xFFCC00); _back.graphics.drawRect(0,0,100,100); _back.graphics.endFill(); } public function tweenExecute():void { objecttween = TweenMax.to(this,Number(tweenArray[0].time),{x:Number(tweenArray[0].x),y:Number(tweenArray[0].y),scaleX:Number(tweenArray[0].scalex),scaleY:Number(tweenArray[0].scaley),rotation:Number(tweenArray[0].rotation),tint:uint(tweenArray[0].color),delay:Number(tweenArray[0].delay),paused:tweenArray[0].tweenPause,ease:Linear.easeNone,onComplete:doNext,onCompleteParams:[Number(tweenArray[0].gotoFrame)-1]}); } private function doNext(id:Number):void { objecttween = TweenMax.to(this,Number(tweenArray[id].time),{x:Number(tweenArray[id].x),y:Number(tweenArray[id].y),scaleX:Number(tweenArray[id].scalex),scaleY:Number(tweenArray[id].scaley),rotation:Number(tweenArray[id].rotation),tint:uint(tweenArray[id].color),delay:Number(tweenArray[id].delay),paused:tweenArray[id].tweenPause,ease:Linear.easeNone,onComplete:doNext,onCompleteParams:[Number(tweenArray[id].gotoFrame)-1]}); } } } //This is Main Class package { import flash.display.MovieClip; import CustomClass; import flash.events.Event; import flash.events.MouseEvent; public class Main extends MovieClip { private var _empty:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); private var cc:CustomClass; public function Main() { addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE,init); } private function init(e:Event):void { this.addChild(_empty); addShape(); btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onClick); } private function addShape():void { cc = new CustomClass(); cc.x = 20; cc.y = 100; _empty.addChild(cc); cc.tweenArray.push({x:20,y:100,scalex:1,scaley:1,color:0xFFCC00,alpha:1,rotation:0,time:0.5,delay:0,tweenPause:false,gotoFrame:2}); cc.tweenArray.push({x:300,y:400,scalex:1,scaley:1,color:0xFFCCCC,alpha:1,rotation:0,time:1,delay:0,tweenPause:false,gotoFrame:3}); cc.tweenArray.push({x:600,y:100,scalex:1,scaley:1,color:0xFF0000,alpha:1,rotation:0,time:1,delay:0,tweenPause:false,gotoFrame:4}); cc.tweenArray.push({x:20,y:100,scalex:1,scaley:1,color:0xFFCC00,alpha:1,rotation:0,time:1,delay:0,tweenPause:false,gotoFrame:2}); //cc.tweenExecute(); } private function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void { cc.tweenExecute(); } } } there is button and i execute the tween when button is clicked. From Main class how to find when the tween is completed?
  2. Actually I have written a public funvtion name tweenExecute inside a custom class. Now I access this custom class instance from main and i want when tween is completed of that custom class instance. How can i find out????
  3. How to get totalProgress and currentProgress value when tween is executed using TweenMax....???
  4. Arghya

    Color Tween

    How to apply color tween on a div or img using TweenMax in html??? plz give an example...........
  5. Arghya

    Reset Tween

    how to remove tint from color tween after kill all tweens using Tweenmax.....
  6. How to reset tween using TweenMax and change the clip to the initial position with all its properties like x,y scaleX, scaleY, color etc... plz give an example.........
  7. plz send me an example related to this topic........
  8. suppose i apply tween on a movieclip along a curve path... i want to change the transform point of this movieclip when tween execute... how can i do it????
  9. Is there any other way to do something like that???? I want to apply tween on a movieclip which is followed a curve path and i adjust the movieclip registration point externally.. so how can i do it using TweenMax???????????
  10. Is there any other way to do something like that???? I want to apply tween on a movieclip which is followed a curve path and i adjust the movieclip registration point externally.. so how can i do it using TweenMax???????????
  11. TransformAroundPoint and Bezier Plugins is not working together. why??
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