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  1. Hi there, I have a relatively complex path in my SVG and I'm trying to use DrawSVG to have it look like the text is being scripted. It's usually filled in black. When I try using a basic staggerFromTo it renders a number of dots first then renders the whole asset. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I've managed to get the plug-in to work on less complex SVGs. Thanks in advance!
  2. Hi there, I'm trying to find a solution to have GSAP support deep properties (typically only one level). The reason for this is my application compiles transitions and modifies properties across a number of packages. I'm often doing something like this: TweenMax.to(target, 5, { position: { x: 500 } }); Out of the box GSAP doesn't support deep properties so I was wondering if there was a plugin or preferred method to accomplish this. Specifying the property directly using: TweenMax.to(target.position, 5, { x: 500 }); Will really limit what I'm trying to accomplish. Is this done to mitigate performance issues with deeply nested properties? Thanks!
  3. Ohhhhh, ok thanks guys. I got it now! Thank you for the quick response. I'm sure you hear this a lot, but you guys ROCK!
  4. Yah the pixels work, I noticed that a while ago but my particular implementation does require percentages. Does Greensock not support that? I could easily revert to using translateX but translate3d() is proven to be more efficient. I need to squeeze every last bit of performance I possible can at this point. Let me give this another shot and I'll get back to you.
  5. Hi Jonathan, Thank you kindly for your help. The immediateRender didn't help and I seem to be getting the same results on CodePen with a much simpler implementation of my tween. Take a look: http://cdpn.io/iqfGg
  6. Hi there, I'm having a bit of trouble using TweenMax, TimelineMax and fromTo. Here's my code: in_from = { 'transform': 'translate3d(100%, 0, 0.1)' }; in_to = { 'transform': 'translate3d(0%, 0, 0.1)' }; self.state.tween_in = TweenMax.fromTo( self.target, // This is a DOM object self.deck.props.transitionSpeed, in_from, in_to ); I'm pretty sure I'm using it correctly. I think I am because if I use just .to() it works correctly. :-/ Thanks, Dave
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