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  1. Abel

    PixiPlugin Color

    I'm getting really bad performance on Mobile, why is that if I'm using the ParticleContainer?.
  2. Abel

    PixiPlugin Color

    Hi Guys, Came back with another issue when I set my color, say at a later time it doesn't change, why is that?. Thanks
  3. Abel

    PixiPlugin Color

    Agreed, I'm just going with the later, if it works I'm all for it, also I just put in my stats and its at a silky smooth 60FPS!!.
  4. Abel

    PixiPlugin Color

    Awesome!!! your a god send, but the reason being if I'm correct or not is Webgl renders sprites faster using a png, then the native graphics object?.
  5. Abel

    PixiPlugin Color

    I managed to get something going on codepen, please take a look its very similar to what I'm doing, but the colors still dont work?. Thanks
  6. Abel

    PixiPlugin Color

    No worries, I understand, but I tried that as well but no luck. particleContainer = new PIXI.particles.ParticleContainer(particleData.length, {scale: true, position: true, tint:true, rotation: true, uvs: true, alpha: true });
  7. Abel

    PixiPlugin Color

    Yes my particles are supposed to explode from the center of the particle container, so the scale, alpha, x, y, is set to zero. I've attached my app.js file, for reference. app.js
  8. Abel

    PixiPlugin Color

    Hi, I tried putting up my example on codepen, but it doesn't work, so I just copied and pasted my code here. Sorry for the inconvenience, I really appreciate you taking the time to help me. function createParticles() { console.log("createParticles()"); particleContainer = new PIXI.particles.ParticleContainer(); particleContainer.pivot.set(0, 0); particleContainer.x = app.renderer.width / 2; particleContainer.y = app.renderer.height / 2; for (var i = 0; i < particleData.length; i++) { var particle = new PIXI.Sprite.fromImage('images/particle.png'); particle.pivot.set(5, 5); particle.alpha = 0; particle.x = 0; particle.y = 0; particle.scale.set(Math.random() * 1 - 0.25); particleContainer.addChild(particle); } app.stage.addChild(particleContainer); } function cyleColors() { console.log("randomColors();"); tlColor = new TimelineMax({ yoyo: true, repeat: 999, repeatDelay: 0 }); tlColor.to(particleContainer, 3, {pixi:{tint:0x4ec7f2}, ease: Cubic.easeOut }) .to(particleContainer, 3, {pixi:{tint:0xe6df36}, ease: Cubic.easeOut }) .to(particleContainer, 3, {pixi:{tint:0x4c9f91}, ease: Cubic.easeOut }) .to(particleContainer, 3, {pixi:{tint:0xf98331}, ease: Cubic.easeOut }) .to(particleContainer, 3, {pixi:{tint:0xde1272}, ease: Cubic.easeOut }); }
  9. Abel

    PixiPlugin Color

    Sorry but it would require me to run a ftp I can't put a codepen example?.
  10. Abel

    PixiPlugin Color

    Hmm, just tried that there still showing up black? .to(particleContainer.children, 3, {pixi:{tint:0x4ec7f2}, ease: Cubic.easeOut })
  11. Abel

    PixiPlugin Color

    I'm trying to tint all the particles in it?.
  12. Abel

    PixiPlugin Color

    Hi All, I've been learning PixiJS, and I love it, but for some reason my ParticleContainer color is not changing?. All I'm getting is black, please let me know your thoughts I've pasted my code below for reference. var tlColor = new TimelineMax({ yoyo: true, repeat: 999, repeatDelay: 0 }); tlColor.to(particleContainer, 3, {pixi:{tint:0x6fbb4c}, ease: Cubic.easeOut }) .to(particleContainer, 3, {pixi:{tint:0x4ec7f2}, ease: Cubic.easeOut }) .to(particleContainer, 3, {pixi:{tint:0xe6df36}, ease: Cubic.easeOut }) .to(particleContainer, 3, {pixi:{tint:0x4c9f91}, ease: Cubic.easeOut }) .to(particleContainer, 3, {pixi:{tint:0xf98331}, ease: Cubic.easeOut }) .to(particleContainer, 3, {pixi:{tint:0xde1272}, ease: Cubic.easeOut }); Thanks
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