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Everything posted by Register

  1. Ok got it..... tought that if clearing the timeline all the element tween will set back to the init settings (position, opacity...) But no, they stay where they were during their twining... Using main_timeline.seek(main_timeline.duration(), false); work, because all my tweening are "tweening from" so at the end all the element are in their init state. How can I do to clear all the tweening modification apply to en element ? Regards,
  2. HI, I'm having trouble reconstructing a timeline, it works when all the nested timeline had played. But if I try to reconstruct the timeline during the playing some nested time line disappears. function animate : if(main_timeline) { main_timeline.stop() ; main_timeline.clear() ; } ... Code above to clear split text ... main_timeline = null ; main_timeline = new TimelineLite({align: 'start'}) ; ... creation of sub_timeline ... main_timeline.add(sub_timeline, 0) If animate is called during the playback it glitched... some elements disapeared.
  3. Hi, This is strange because I'm using it currently with htmlText ?!!?! TextFields with html.
  4. Hi, In fact the user can change the text. For exemple adding lines so at some point the text will overflow the area and then it should be resized. How can I change the min/max or resize type on changes? As it is set on attach? Regards,
  5. Hi, I'm using AutoFitArea. I'm putting texts in it (they are grouped into a sprite). I would like that the resize occur only when the sprite is bigger than the AutoFitArea. So that only zoom out will be applied. Thanks.
  6. Ok... that's the reason why! Thanks !
  7. Hi, I have a test version of Greensock which permit to use SplitTextField with TextField html texts and i tried to use the latest version and it doesn't work no more. Which is a problem for me. My version is a 12.1.1 (in the tweenlite file) which is the last version, isn't it? Weird. Regards,
  8. Yes that's it !! Thanks. But What I quite not understand is that I use it in another animation and do not have activate it and it works.... Regards,
  9. Hi, Got this error Property blurFilter not found on pharma.elements.FirstLetterTextField and there is no default value FirstLetterTextField is extending TextField var mt_tl:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite() ; mt_tl.append(TweenLite.from(main_text, .7, { x: 1200, ease:Cubic.easeInOut }), 1) ; mt_tl.append(TweenLite.from(main_text, .3, { blurFilter: {blurX:20}, ease:Elastic.easeIn }), -0.2) ;
  10. Hi, Add the followingg code at the beginning of the animate fuction, and now everything seems to replay fine. In the calling function i do main_timeline.stop() and main_timeline.clear() before calling animate() var elems = new Array() ; for(var i:uint = 0; i < this.numChildren; i++) { var elem = this.getChildAt(i) ; extrace(getQualifiedClassName(elem)) ; if(elem is SplitTextField) { elem.destroy() ; } } main_timeline = new TimelineLite({align: 'start'})
  11. Here's my animation function Say that after playing it one time, I change the content of one of the SplitTextField and his color. What is the most efficient way to replay the animation. De-activate/active the split text field and replay the animation does not reflect the changes. Calling directly the function animate doesn't work either (elements are disappearing) and nothing is playing. public function animate() { // Animation var split_text_product:SplitTextField = new SplitTextField(product_name); var split_text_brand:SplitTextField = new SplitTextField(brand_name); var split_text_pharmacy:SplitTextField = new SplitTextField(pharmacy_name); var tl:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({repeat:3}); tl.append( TweenMax.to(price, .1, {alpha: 0}) ); tl.append( TweenMax.to(price, .3, {alpha: 1}) ); var price_tl:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite() ; price_tl.append(TweenLite.from(price_bkg, 1, { x: -600 })) ; price_tl.append(TweenLite.from(tags_elem, .7, {scaleX: 0, scaleY: 0, ease:Quad.easeOut }), -1) ; price_tl.append(TweenLite.from(price, 1, {scaleX: 0, scaleY: 0, ease:Elastic.easeOut })) ; price_tl.append(tl, 1); var product_tl:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite() ; product_tl.append(TweenLite.from(product_img, .7, { x: 1200, ease:Cubic.easeInOut }), 1) ; product_tl.append(TweenLite.from(product_img, .3, { blurFilter: {blurX:20}, ease:Elastic.easeIn }), -0.2) ; var timeline:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite() ; timeline.appendMultiple(TweenMax.allFrom(split_text_product.textFields, 1, {scaleX: 0, scaleY: 0, ease:Elastic.easeOut }, 0.07), 0) ; timeline.appendMultiple(TweenMax.allFrom(split_text_brand.textFields, 1, {scaleX: 0, scaleY: 0, ease:Elastic.easeOut }, 0.07), -1) ; timeline.appendMultiple(TweenMax.allFrom(split_text_pharmacy.textFields, 2, {scaleX: 0, scaleY: 0, ease:Elastic.easeOut }, 0.07), -2) ; timeline.append(price_tl, -1 ) ; main_timeline.add(price_tl, 0) ; main_timeline.add(product_tl, 0) ; main_timeline.add(timeline, 0) ; }
  12. Hi, As part of an complex animation i have a field with "Super Promo" in red, this field is transformed into a SplitTextField (STF). The user can interact with it. Say that he play the timeline. When the timeline stopped the STF is deactivated. Then the user choose a new text "This week promo" and a new color, the TextField is modify accordingly but if he replays the animation the SplitTextField should be reconstruct. A re-activation show the old text and color. If the STF animation is part of a complex timeline animation which option did i have to take into account the changes. Reconstruct all the timeline after removin/cleaning the old one, or did I have a way to refresh/replace the STF and his tweenings/Timeline ? Thanks
  13. Hi, I was proceeding to buy a ClubGreenSock licence but there's no field to put the company name In the payment form (we are in France where we need it on the invoice). Regards
  14. Hi, I have an animation which the user can modify, the change color, texts... I'm using TextField with stylesheet. It's in a html page and the user can interact with the anim data with JS. The animation plays, then the user can change the informations displayed. The replay the animation to test it's modification. I could change the theme (background and text colors) and replay to watch the modified anim. But if I deactivate SplitTextField at the end of the animation to allow the user to interact with the original field and the text within. When I reactivate it, it's the original split which is shown not an updated split with the new informations. All object are animated in timeline and tweens. How can I just modify the splited infos to replay the main time line? Should i recreate all the timelines in odred to take into account ? Regards,
  15. Hi, In my case the client would sale a service which broadcast animation based on Greensock, so we need a special commercial licence. If we take it and, for example, stopped to be in relation with them and they continue to use the animations as is. Will they need a commercial licence of their own? Should they take directly the licence, to use the animation on an undetermined period of time.
  16. Hi, If I developed animation for a client containing plugin accessible only by Green club licence (50$/year) Did i need to renew the licence if the client continue to use the animation for several years? For the business licence, it's attached to the number of developer, if a client charge for a service which a part use animation that I developed with GreenSock library, I have to continue to pay for him to use his animations? Regards,
  17. Hi, Thanks for your response. Not very encouraging. If you don't support it, it may be because it's very difficult to do... Regards,
  18. Hi, I'm wondering how to achive the following : Animate a dynamique text field content (HTML) as for exemple <span style="color: blue; font-size:12px">Promotion</span> <span style="color: red; font-size:17px">-30</span> <span style="color: red; font-size:15px">%</span> <span style="color: green; font-size:14px">Today</span> The field text is centered, I want that each span appear with different animations (tweening). Thanks, Regards.
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