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Wix Wow!Team

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Posts posted by Wix Wow!Team

  1. Hi @GreenSock

    I upgraded GSAP version in our project and some animations stopped working.

    I managed to reduce it to afromTo that had an undefined value in the from params.

    It used to work in 2.x and in 3.1.x but since 3.2.0 (and in the current 3.4.2) the animation fails.


    One can say - "just don't have undefined fields in your code"

    but as coding goes, it's not that simple and will require some serious refactoring on our part which I would prefer to avoid.


    Working demo (GSAP 3.1.1) - 


    Failing demo (GSAP 3.2.0) -

    See the Pen VwegBKR by tombigel (@tombigel) on CodePen

    See the Pen OJMdwRV by tombigel (@tombigel) on CodePen

    • Thanks 1
  2. TL;DR

    I upgraded our project to use 1.19.0 after using 1.18.2 and requirejs couldn't find TweenLite unless I defined it explicitly in the require config paths object.

    Is it the expected behavior?




    We do amd with requirejs.

    My GSAP section in the paths object looks like this (there is also a base url defined of our external libs server):

    paths: {
                //  ...
                TweenMax: {min: serviceURL('tweenmax/1.19.0/minified/TweenMax.min'), source: serviceURL('tweenmax/1.19.0/uncompressed/TweenMax')},
                TimelineMax: {min: serviceURL('tweenmax/1.19.0/minified/TweenMax.min'), source: serviceURL('tweenmax/1.19.0/uncompressed/TweenMax')},
                ScrollToPlugin: {min: serviceURL('tweenmax/1.19.0/minified/plugins/ScrollToPlugin.min'), source: serviceURL('tweenmax/1.19.0/uncompressed/plugins/ScrollToPlugin')},
                DrawSVGPlugin: {min: serviceURL('tweenmax/1.19.0/minified/plugins/DrawSVGPlugin.min'), source: serviceURL('tweenmax/1.19.0/uncompressed/plugins/DrawSVGPlugin')},
                // ...

    This setup worked for a long time now without changing anything but version numbers up until 1.18.2.

    After changing the paths to 1.19.0 I got a console error by reuirejs saying it got 404 on TweenLite because it tried to load it from localhost -

    require.min.js:34   GET http://localhost/TweenLite.js 

    The way to overcome it was to add a line in paths for TweenLite too

    TweenLite: {min: serviceURL('tweenmax/1.19.0/minified/TweenMax.min'), source: serviceURL('tweenmax/1.19.0/uncompressed/TweenMax')},

    Is it an expected behavior? Is it a bug? Am I missing something in the require config?




  3. Hi, following up on a year old topic 



    The will-change property is getting some traction lately, it is supported by 3 out of the 5 major browsers and is considered by MS Edge.


    I was wandering if any work or research was done about adding support (manual or automatic) to GSAP for this?


    A nice video demo by a google dev demonstrating the performance implications will-change can have:



    Tom B.

  4. I came across an unexpected behaviour:

    apparently Chrome 36 and up supports both prefixed and unprefixed 'transform' property.


    So, if you set initial transform values on an element (not with GSAP) like so:

    someElement {

    and do

    TweenMax.set(someElement, {clearProps: 'transforms'})

    only the unprefixed version is being cleared and the rotation remains on the element.

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