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Everything posted by LoveJs

  1. Im using that animate on 644 Divs on one page in IE8 when i was using Jquery to animate the Divs the page would lag really bad. Its very smooth with tween. The difference is night and day... wow.
  2. Ok it works great, also works WAY faster in IE8! ( useing your example for better) The Jquery version works well if you use a small time amount like 200ms
  3. Alright, I understand what you are saying. Thanks for the example I'll play around with it.
  4. Actually it works just fine with Jquery Animate without the stop().... $('.someDiv').hover( function(){ $(this).animate({width: '+=25px', height: '+=25px' }, 200); }, function() { $(this).animate({ width: '-=25px', height: '-=25px' }, 200); });
  5. So im new to Tweenmax and i love it. Very nice. I have the following code right now: $('.someDiv').hover( function(){ TweenMax.to(this, .5, {width: '+=25px', height: '+=25px' }); }, function() { TweenMax.to(this, .5, {width: '-=25px', height: '-=25px' }); }); And it works. However, if you hover over and off of several elements the widths and heights get all messed up and Jquery's animate.STOP() would fix that if I were using jquery to animate. Something equivalent to that for tweens? *edit the jquery version: $('.someDiv').hover( function() { $(this).stop().animate({ etc... }); }, function() { $(this).stop().animate({ etc... }); });
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