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Everything posted by P1000

  1. Hmm - yes, I did - now I recall - selectAll was one of mine! Oops.. Basically it just passes the items array to selectItems. So, I guess this one is my bad, although it is the kind of thing I would have expected to be built in..
  2. I found that if you delete an item (using either the delete key, or the deleteSelection function), and then call selectAll, then you get a selection object where the items used to be - but any attempt to use it results in a load of exceptions being thrown. Further investigation showed that the deleted items were not getting removed from the _items array. I've created my own fix for this: public function deleteSelection($e:Event = null):void { if (_enabled && _allowDelete) { var deletedItems:Array = []; var item:TransformItem; var j:int; for (var i:int = _selectedItems.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { item = _selectedItems[i]; if (item.onPressDelete($e)) { deletedItems.push(item); //CUSTOM //remove from _items array for( j = _items.length - 1; j > -1; j-- ) { if( _items[j] == item ) { _items.splice( j, 1 ); } } //END CUSTOM } } if (deletedItems.length != 0) { dispatchEvent(new TransformEvent(TransformEvent.DELETE, deletedItems)); } } } This seems to fix the issue! Hope this helps someone! Oh, and this is with the following version: VERSION: 1.54 DATE: 3/6/2009 ACTIONSCRIPT VERSION: 3.0 (Requires Flash Player 9)
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