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Everything posted by mimeartist

  1. I've got a tween of a flag... TweenMax.fromTo('#flagImage'+ whichFlag, theSpeed, { rotationX:20, transformOrigin:"left top" },{ rotationX:-20, repeat: -1, }); } Which basically flaps backwards and forwards... is there a way of amplifying the rotationX so that the tween still continues... but I can increase it by a factor, e.g. double it when I need to? or intact tween that value of rotation X, so it slowly goes from tweening rotationX=20 to rotationX=60 for example? James
  2. Hi, I'm using edge resistance with the bounds set to the position of the draggable item, so i can move them just a little, and then they'll spring back into position. One thing I want to do is move into the Y position more than the X, is it possible to have edge resistance different for each axis?
  3. Ah okay... yep thats what I'm trying to do... so .progress is my friend... thanks!
  4. Not sure if this is going to make sense, but I've got a set of panels that animate onto screen and then back off again to determined places... and the client says they are too wizzy... So what I want to do is just show the last few frames of them moving into place but still look like they come from there original point as I'm quite happy where they appear to start from. E.g. they just appear on screen and then carry on moving very slightly to a stop Does that make sense... I'm not sure if I should use timeline or there is something in TweenMax I can do to create it
  5. Thanks for this, that last post by Carl has been very useful.
  6. Wow... thanks for these... will give it a whirl and let you know how I get on. I'll need to have it working on lower versions of IE so probably will have to try the trigger route.
  7. I've got a draggable background, but it needs to have an transparent layer of small dots (which I'm using a transparent .png for) over the front that don't move... I know this isn't strictly a gsap issue... but is there a way to drag a div that is below a div you don't want to move?
  8. Thanks Carl, I need to sometimes disable 4 out of 7 panels... so it's very easy to look up an attribute of the divs and decide to then disable or enable them
  9. Perfect... that worked... thanks Jamie!
  10. Thanks Jamie, I'll try that! Seems I must of been trying to ref a whole array then.
  11. I've got a set of panels that are draggable, but at times I want to be able to disable / enable them... I'm sure this is the correct way to do so, but getting an undefined error... dragArray=[]; totalPanels=10; for (n=1; n<=totalPanels; n++){ dragArray[n] = Draggable.create("#slide"+n, {cursor:"pointer", type:"left,top", throwProps:true, onDrag:function(){ peopleParallax(); }, onClick:function(){ slideClick(currentRollover); }, dragClickables:true, edgeResistance:0.9, bounds:'#siteContainer'}); } Can I not use dragArray[n] = and then the draggable code? and then use dragArray[2].disable(); dragArray[2].enable();
  12. Ah! Thanks Carl, Yoyo looks useful James
  13. mimeartist

    Bounce effect

    Not a technical question really... I'm looking for a div to just bounce once when rolled over, can you use an ease that starts and ends at the same position but has a bounce ease attached to it? Or do I need to tween it to a position, and then tween it back?
  14. I have a set of images that go horizontally, depending on the category it shows different ones, and you can scroll left to right... the trouble I am having is that when I use autoAlpha on items that have been set with visibility:hidden, when I set autoAlpha to 0 the images never fully disappear... so even if the last visible image was at 2000px you can still scroll to 4000 pixels because there is still an image there, even though it is 'invisible' What is the best way to handle this? set them to display:none after they finished their autoAlpha to 0, or am I missing something? PS I'm learning so much from this forum, so thanks to everyone who has helped me thus far! James
  15. Are there any things in CSS I can use that will speed up Tweenmax particularly for large images? eg. -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; -webkit-perspective: 1000; Or does Tweenmax handle this, also should these be applied to those that aren't images?
  16. Thanks for the feedback... It's basically the update for http://madeinratio.com I'm trying to optimise... some interesting scaling things going on... and the new version of Safari that's just come out is struggling a little so giving it all a bit of a speed boost James
  17. mimeartist

    Duration = 0

    I'm trying to speed up an animation; basically I have 20 very large images (2000 pixels wide) on a large scrollable website (left to right) if you click on one then that scales to the screen, in conjunction with a scrollTo to allow for the centring etc ... I'm checking which ones are in view of the window and then animating the ones that will be seen by setting their duration to 1, and the ones that just need to move to there new position and not be seen are set to 0 Is this a good way of doing it? Or does setting the speed to 0 still use valuable CPU? Also does the plug0ni offer any of this optimisation already and am I just getting in it's way
  18. hmm... I'm clearly an idiot... TweenMax.min.js is beta 1.9.7 and gsap is 0.1.6 I thought I had the latest versions... just launched studioaka.co.uk with these, perhaps will need to upgrade when I make some new changes Will try and get the newer versions.
  19. mimeartist


    I keep getting this error : invalid force3D tween value: true ...When I try this, the item animates as I want,but it doesn't like the force3D thing, am I using it in the right place? or do I need to assign it to the items first hand? I'd prefer that actually rather than setting each loop) TweenMax.to('#item' + n, theSpeedB, {left: myPosX+offSetX, top: myPosY+offSetY, force3D:true });
  20. Hi, I solved it and thought I'd let you know the issue... nothing to do with tweenmax etc... and when I say solved it... basically when i went into portrait mode it appeared so it was all down to the level of zoom... so I think it is just a performance issue whereby safari must turn that sort of stuff off at certain levels... playing around with the viewport fixed for both orientations but obviously not ideal Thanks again... James
  21. Hmm... I built a code pen and it works on here! annoying! http://codepen.io/mimeArtist/pen/Jzmyf
  22. I'm trying to animate the position of a div along with the boxShadow... the position is working but the shadow isn't appearing on iPad it works in Safari fine... is this a known issue? TweenMax.to($(this).find('.thumbnailInside'), 0.2, { y:theY, boxShadow: '0 0px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'});
  23. Perfect! How long has timeSinceDrag been around?! Thanks again!
  24. The aim is to have X amount of images in a long strip, that can be flicked along horizontally... but also allow for an image to be clicked... I believe I'm halfway there in that I need to put an on click on the holder of these images to stop propagation, but have got myself tied up in knots... http://codepen.io/mimeArtist/pen/AiCtu Basically I want the images to only register a click when they've been clicked on, and not when the strip is dragged (it seems the image will trigger a click if the mouse is then released whilst over one of the images in the strip
  25. Thank you all for your help, I've set up all the CDN's to the latest ones, so that will help enormously in future, and thanks for setting up that codepen... I promise to use that in future ...and Rhernando & Jack, you're right it was because I was setting up a draggable with type:"x,y" and then Tweening left, top so have changed the draggable to "top,left" ...and seems to work (or am I better off changing the Tween?) Anyway, thanks again for all your help, the members here really do it proud
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