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Everything posted by mimeartist

  1. Thanks for the replies... this has always confused me... where should I be definiing X in the CSS? and why does it update the position but stick at 10px? http://codepen.io/mimeArtist/pen/mRNvwQ
  2. mimeartist

    Close enough?

    I'm doing some animation that doesn't need to be pixel perfect, infact it would be better if it was slightly 'off'... Is there a way to get a tween to stop when it's within a few pixels of the destination... Also how do I get it to report the position that isn't rounded, should I be using x rather than left? http://codepen.io/mimeArtist/pen/KaObMG
  3. I just tried to place my code in there, I've since forked it... and it worked... turned out I'd added the throwProps, but my TweenMax version was a lower number... so put the new one in and it worked! thanks for your patience http://codepen.io/mimeArtist/pen/zNJBOa?editors=0011
  4. I've included the ColorPropsPlugin and in the tween I'm wrapping those values in the colorProps:{ } do I need to define them in the initial object? Sorry for not including a codepen, it's just part of a bit of a monster myFace = {headWidthVal:headWidth, headHeightVal:headHeight, curveFactorVal:curveFactor, curveFactorBVal: curveFactorB, randomAmountVal: randomAmount, guideStrengthVal:guideStrength, faceColVal:faceCol, noseColVal:noseCol, hairColVal:hairCol }; TweenMax.to(myFace, 0.5,{ headWidthVal:aimHeadWidth, headHeightVal:aimHeadHeight, curveFactorVal:aimCurveFactor, curveFactorBVal:aimCurveFactorB, randomAmountVal:aimRandomAmount, guideStrengthVal:aimGuideStrength, colorProps:{faceColVal:aimFaceCol, noseColVal:aimNoseCol, hairColVal:aimHairCol}, onUpdate:reportArray});
  5. I'm drawing the svg shapes with the current tweened value rather than tweening the colour of the item... myFace = {headWidthVal:headWidth, headHeightVal:headHeight, hairColVal:hairCol } TweenMax.to(myFace, 0.5,{ headWidthVal:aimHeadWidth, headHeightVal:aimHeadHeight, hairColVal:aimHairCol, onUpdate:drawFace, ease: Elastic.easeOut}); function drawFace(){ hairCol = (myFace.hairColVal); //MY DRAWING SVG BITS AND BOBS }
  6. I'm tweening the values of an object which is giving me the values of the points on a face for a nose etc... I'm also including the hex values of the items' colour... I'm storing the values in tne object and then referring to them as I tween... however the colours don't seem to tween... Is there a format I need to use to tween a hex? should it be 0xFF0000 instead of #FF0000 perhaps?
  7. I want to delay a drag so it doesn't get recognised for at least 5 pixels for example, is there a threshold or anything like that I can set? Reason being I'm mixing some swipeLeft with draggable, and i get a very tiny part of the draggable triggering when I swipeLeft... it might not be ideal in the final product, but I want to at least try it
  8. mimeartist


    Also as a side... I've kill the tween under certain circumstances... do I need to remove the listener, or does the onComplete perform that? I'm assuming that I could in effect set up a setInterval that does the same thing?
  9. mimeartist


    Thanks Diaco, Is Ticker a greensock thing then? Will give it a go!
  10. mimeartist


    Is there a way to set the onUpdate when doing a Tween to be less frequent... basically I'm doing a very slow slideshow of images that pan past the screen and it calculates which one is most on screen so it can display the correct caption... the scroll is super slow so any extra processing power would be nice to keep it as buttery smooth as possible... so really I only want the onUpdate to be called every second for example... Is there anything like that built in? Before I reinvent the wheel
  11. PS my autocorrect changed program to problem...
  12. thanks Jack... face palms... have you always been able to do it that easily?
  13. Lets say I create a draggable item in an array e.g. dragItem[n] = Draggable.create(tempClip, { type: "left", trigger:"#projectDrag", edgeResistance:0.99, throwProps: true, zIndexBoost: false, bounds: { minX: tempMinX, maxX: tempMaxX}}); how do I then temporarily disable it, and indeed check it actually exists in the first place. Sorry for not posting a codein, but this is part of a huge problem
  14. Thanks Carl, I think I was doing it right, but it was being overwritten by another tween
  15. Am I using the CSSRulePlugin correctly? var rule = CSSRulePlugin.getRule("a.navigation:hover"); //get the rule TweenMax.to(rule, 1, {cssRule:{backgroundColor:tempFG, color:tempBG}});
  16. mimeartist


    Ah... found them here... http://cdnjs.com/libraries/gsap It seems I have to drop back to 1.15.1 for some links to work within a panel set to use 'scrollTop'.. anything obvious that may of changed this? Can't post my site as it's a private site at present.
  17. mimeartist


    Where do I find out when the CDN version was updated? e.g. //cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/latest/TweenMax.min.js I noticed all the versions of a site I'm building are suddenly not working (namely clicking links within scrollable boxes) and just want to work out if it's my code or something else?
  18. Not that this helps... but I can see it stuttering. I'm on a retina iMac if that makes any difference?
  19. D'oh... spoke too soon... how do I let that be the trigger, but also allow the panel to be draggable when not behind the panel?
  20. Sorry... I've been an idiot (again) I just needed to put a trigger... http://codepen.io/anon/pen/pvxPagon the draggable items... in my head I've ben thinking the trigger was the other way around!
  21. I've just been trying that and works a treat, thanks... is there any other method as from looking into it IE10 and below don't support that? And the client base for my project are institutions that are very likely to be using one of those versions
  22. Should point out that the divs below have to be distinct and not in the same div
  23. I'm got some draggable panels behind a screen, how do I make all the separate div's below draggable? is there a class I can assign as a trigger? http://codepen.io/anon/pen/raqmxe
  24. I've got it working pretty much, i've tried to avoid too much nesting, as I'm trying to track where things are as some of the elements are operating on their proximity to other things... I always find there are easier / better ways to do things after the fact, but I'm more comfortable with the logic in my head
  25. Thanks Jack, The reason for not putting it in a div is because these panels actually appear both behind and infront of some other panels in one form of the site, so their z-index's need to be easily adjusted. I've gone down the road of everything being set with 'left' now, and changing to x is a possibility, but I'll need to adjust everything of what is a quite big complicated project (by my standards anyway), also not keen on having to reset everything all the time, as the panels have a lot of predetermined positions when in certain modes of the site. I'm basically pretty much building a WIMP environment.
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