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  1. Hi @mvaneijgen thanks for the welcome, excited to start learning GSAP. The page I'm trying to animate is here https://robinai-test.webflow.io/security Basically, all cards on the page use the class .outer-card so I'd like to animate these as they come in view, but keeping the stagger is important as I want to animate them from left to right when they come in, similar to this mini demo I did last night: https://basic-gsap-weblow.webflow.io/ Is that possible? Or do I need to create a tween per section to use the stagger? Thanks
  2. Hi, I want to animate several elements within a page that have the same class across multiple sections, however, my animation only animates the first element on the page, and not the rest (maybe it animates all of them at once but I don't see them as they are down the page). I want to animate these as they scroll in view. The code I have is: <script> gsap.from(".outer_card", { scrollTrigger: { trigger: '.outer_card', markers: true, start: 'top 80%', }, duration: 1, ease: 'power2.out', y: 48, opacity: 0, stagger: 0.1, }) </script> Is this possible? Or do I need 1 animation per section? Also, I use rems when building in Webflow, but it seems that GSAP only works with pixels and %, right? Thanks
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