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About egstad

egstad's Achievements

  1. We're cooking with gas. Thanks again, @Cassie!
  2. Appreciate your help, @Rodrigo + @Cassie! I've managed to get netlify to build, however there is a runtime error with gsap. {"url":"/","statusCode":500,"statusMessage":"","message":"gsap$1.registerPlugin is not a function","stack":""} Is this still the proper way to use split text? gsap.registerPlugin(SplitText);
  3. I am using npm for both local and production (netlify) dependencies. I've recorded a loom that walks through my issue. hope it helps! Thanks for your help @Cassie!
  4. I've scoured all the suggested threads and have followed these docs explicitly, but netlify continues to not build. I'm running a Nuxt 3 site on Netlify. my .npmrc: always-auth=true @gsap:registry=https://npm.greensock.com //npm.greensock.com/:_authToken=${TOKEN} that token is then added as a netlify variable. I can confirm that it is correct. i've cleared netlify cache and rebuilt many times, no dice.
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