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Everything posted by Ignatix

  1. @Rodrigo Finally i have to calculate again de height of the body on astro:page-load, bc it keeps deleting all the gsap styles on the body
  2. Yes, I know, the problem I'm facing is exactly that. With viewTransition, it doesn't work, but without it, ScrollSmoother works perfectly. However, viewTransition is an important part of the site's flow and design.
  3. @Rodrigo your demo is working but you have viewTransitions disable, im looking to get viewTransitions enable. Thanks !!
  4. Hi @Rodrigo that solution is not working, when you navigate the scroll dissapear from the browser. Astro is removing the body styles with the viewTransitions
  5. I have a demo here, when first start the ScrollSmoother works fine. But when you go to test page or back again to the index page, ScrollSmoother stop working. https://stackblitz.com/edit/withastro-astro-fagmum?file=src%2Flayouts%2FLayout.astro Thanks !!!
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