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Sandy Choudhary

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  1. @GreenSock I have created another demo but don't know why its not working here as expected. here iam sharing a video link of same code over my local what i want when the second section is start then first section is too going with the scroll trigger in upward direction it should be stopped in middle when second scroll trigger is initiated however i managed to keep one dummy div with opacity 0 and when second scroll started make first section opacity to 0 and the second section opacity to 1. But i want to know if gsap provide any function or something which can perform the same section instead creating fake section and manage through hide and show. Here is updated link of code pend for same -> https://codepen.io/Sandy-Choudhary/pen/rNgVxbB https://www.loom.com/share/1ecaa8e278664a769118f389835256c7?sid=30a50ca2-6037-4c73-8b08-602d174d1db4 Hopefully this will help you out to understand what exactly iam trying to achieve
  2. Hi, @GreenSock Thank you very much to pointing me Okay i have updated the demo according to your suggestion but still iam facing the second issue when i initialize the second scroll over [second-section-area] then first scroll trigger is too scrolling up. can you suggest any reference or guide how to proceed for same. so that first section should be there and second section should start work as defined in scroll trigger.
  3. Hello Guys, while using scroll trigger iam getting two issue when scroll trigger is at end point then first-section-area is continue resizing and not stopped width height mention [ width:'235px', height:'235px',] for same as well giving 2 vertical scroll too. What iam trying to achieve that when scroll trigger reached to end point first section should stop resizing then able to apply second scroll trigger for second-section-area. Any help or reference is appreciated
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