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Everything posted by kz1012

  1. Cool thanks, I just found this link in another thread and tried it out in Vue. https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vite-onqhee?file=src%2FApp.vue&terminal=dev It seems to work in stackblitz, but in my project I cant get horizontal scroll to work... all the panels are stacked vertically instead of 'flex' and i can only scroll vertically. The css and the js is all copied identical. I've also checked the gsap and scrolltrigger are both installed correctly. What typically is the issue when the animations don't work? It seems like gsap isn't working
  2. Hey everyone, I love what you can do with GSAP, but I'm a total newbie and struggling with even horizontal scroll. I tried your demo for vue horizontal scroll, but can't seem to get it work in my vue project. Any advice? Thanks!
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