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Ignacio Gramajo Feijoo

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  1. Rodrigo! I'm trying to scroll to my green container once I have reached the bottom of the red one. But I need to disable the scroll for the user, so it doesn't mess with the GSAP animation. Is it possible?
  2. Hi Mvaneijgen! Thank you for your quick reply! I will dig deeper into that Plugin, in the midtime could you help me implement it in my CodePen? Again, thank you for your help!
  3. Hi there! I have a quick question I've been trying to figure out, how can I prevent the user from scrolling when a GSAP scrolling animation is playing? I want to disable scrolling when the animation starts and enable it again when it finishes. In the CodePen you will see 3 containers, when I reach the bottom of the red one, I want to scroll to the container below using GSAP ScrollTo Plugin, but I don't want the user to be able to scroll so it doesn't mess with the animation, anyone knows how to do this? Thank you!
  4. Rodrigo! Thank you so much for your help! After seeing the resources you sent is a little more clear. If you have time would be a great help for lot of developers, I saw a lot search for this particular demo as well, could you show us how to combine GSAP and PIXI to create that effect on an Image Hover? Not the complete Slider but just that. And how to implement it in Next.js. Only if you have time of course, if not I understand! Again, thank you very much!
  5. Hi! I'm trying to make a Liquid Distortion Slider as the demo attached but in Next.js. The demo is made in HTML but in Next.js the library seems not to work in this environment and also seems to be deprecated. Reading the documentation they use GSAP, Pixi and Image Loader. I searched in the whole Internet but I couldn't find any thread or video explaining how to get this to work. Can you help me please? If someone can get this to work is GSAP Team! 😎 Thank you in advance!
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