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  1. Thank you ! So i try that but in my case all the text appearance are sync with frame of the lottie animation, I've create a timeline for my text appearance, is there a way to play and pause it at certain poitn of the lottie animation ? I tried tlLottie.to({ frame: 0, }, { frame: animF.totalFrames - 1, snap: "frame", duration: 20, onUpdate: function() { if(frame >= 0 && frame =< 20) { gsap.to(...) } }) or I tried to create another timeline that I play like that , but i have to endlessly play with delay and duration value in my timeline to sync everything: tlText .to('.lottie-text.communication', { right: 0, opacity: 1, duration: duration}) .to('.lottie-text.communication', { right: '-15%', opacity: 0, duration: duration, delay: duration / 4}) .to('.lottie-text.dataProd', { left: 0, opacity: 1, duration: duration}) .to('.lottie-text.dataProd', { left: '-15%', opacity: 0, duration: duration, delay: duration * 5}) tlLottie.to({ frame: 0, }, { frame: animF.totalFrames - 1, snap: "frame", duration: 20, onUpdate: function(){ timelineText.progress(tlLottie.progress()) } })
  2. Hello There, I'm trying to achieve this effect: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Kc7vUhhd2gu75KSgSlZJbBdxYqrbIjDd/view?usp=share_link pinning the section in middle of the screen, almost like the scroll were deported to the scrubbing of my lottie animation. I can't achieve this result using pinning, bescause the section take 100% of the page... I tried many params of start endetc... but there's no effect ad I can't find an working example of this type of scroll effect. many thanks for your help !
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