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Posts posted by Dave211

  1. I would suggest tracking the position of an object that moving in a circular fashion and then just use the drawing API to draw a line from the position of the object that is rotating to a fixed point. 


    Here is a tutorial (see the first example) http://www.devx.com/webdev/Article/29882 that shows how to connect two moving objects with a line. In your case it seems one point won't be moving.



    Thanks for the reply. I'll view the tutorial

  2. Is there any way to have the starting y of a line or rectangle follow a circlePath while the ending y of the line remains locked? In other words, creating a pivot like action such as a engine piston or locomotive wheel piston. 


    I tried rotating the line with additional TweenMax.To, but it does not create exact results.




  3. Is there any way to have the starting y of a line or rectangle follow a circlePath while the ending y of the line remains locked? In other words, creating a pivot like action such as a engine piston or locomotive wheel piston. 


    I tried rotating the line with additional TweenMax.To, but it does not create exact results.



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