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Rohit Pathak

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Everything posted by Rohit Pathak

  1. Hello @Rodrigo, I have able to solve above issue, thanks to your help. But after completing my animation and testing it across various device I found that it doesn't work on apple touch devices( Iphone & Ipad ). I can not provide a codepen demo because, all styling and html elements are coming from CMS hence it's a massive CSS file. I'm mentioning the required JS code. And if you want to view my whole code, than Open page source of this URL : https://blackwolftechnologies.co.za/test/vodamedia/ Search for "main.js" file in browser. Boom it's my code. I know it's a messy one. I'm using 4 version of code as wrapped inside 4 function. First two version are for this URL and other two version of other page. You need to check for "gsapInitializationMob" function that's the code responsible for mobile devices hence responsible for iPhone and iPad. Still I'm mentioning same code snippet here. Please let me know what's wrong here. const gsapInitializationMob = () => { console.log("gsapInitializationMob is done...") // Initalizing custom easing function to match smoothing with Fullpage JS gsap.config({ easeInOutCubic: function (progress) { return progress < 0.5 ? 4 * progress ** 3 : 1 - Math.pow(-2 * progress + 2, 3) / 2; } }); let sectionEase = "easeInOutCubic"; let slideEase = "power3.easeinOut"; let otherAnimationEase = "easeInOutCubic"; let sectionDuration = 0.7; let slideDuration = 0.6; let animInprogress = false; let animTimeStamp, animTimeStamp2; // VodaMedia Development Page Specific GSAP Animation gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollToPlugin); gsap.registerPlugin(Observer); let mastertl = gsap.timeline({ paused: true, defaults: { ease: otherAnimationEase, duration: 0.3, autoAlpha: 0, onComplete : () => { console.log("tween complete"); }, onReverseComplete : () => { console.log("tween complete"); }, }, }); mastertl .from('.banner_description', { y: 100, }) .addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.horizontal_scroller_module', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .from('.hs_container_1_text', { xPercent: -100, }) .addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.horizontal_scroller_module .hs_container_2', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.one_col_module', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .from('.one_col_text', { y: 100, }) .addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.two_col_module', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .from('.tc_telco_content', { y: 200, autoAlpha: 0, }) .from('.tc_telco_image', { y: 100, autoAlpha: 0, }, "<") .addPause() .to('.tc_telco_content', { y: -100, height: 0, autoAlpha: 0, }) .from('.tc_digital_content', { y: 100, height: 0, autoAlpha: 0, }, "<") .to('.tc_telco_image_container', { autoAlpha: 1, scrollTo: { y: '.tc_telco_image_in_2', autoKill: false, ease: sectionEase, } }, "<") .addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.two_col_module_V2', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .from('.tcV2_main_slide_heading ', { y: 100, }) .addPause() .to('.tcV2_main_slide_heading ', { autoAlpha:0, }) .to('.tcV2_main_slide, .tcV2_second_slide',{ minHeight:'50vh', autoAlpha:1, },"<") .addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.two_col_logo_module', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .from('.two_col_logo_module .two_col_logo_heading, .two_col_logo_module .two_col_logo_description', { y: 100, }) .addPause() .to('.two_col_logo_module .two_col_logo_content, .two_col_logo_module .two_col_logo_container',{ minHeight:"50vh", autoAlpha:1, }) .from('.two_col_logo_module .two_col_logo_image', { y: 100, }, "<") .addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.graph_module', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .from('.graph_slide_heading_inner_1', { y: 100, }) .addPause() .to('.graph_slide_heading_inner_1', { autoAlpha:0, height:0, width:0, }) .from('.graph_slide_heading_inner_2', { y:0, },"<") .from(' .graph_module_image', { y: 100, }, "<") .addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.logo_slider_module', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .from('.logo_slider_heading , .logo_slider_description', { y: 100, }) .from(' .logo_slider_module .two_col_logo_container', { y: 100, }) .addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.one_col_module_V2_r', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .from('.one_col_module_V2_r .one_col_V2_heading', { y: 100, }) .addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.contact_us_module', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .from('.contact_us_heading, .contact_us_description, .contact_us_form_container', { y: 100, }) .addPause() // Observer For Timeline Observer.create({ type: "wheel, touch, pointer, touchmove", target: window, preventDefault: true, wheelSpeed: -1, tolerance: 100, dragMinimum: window.innerWidth >= 480 ? 100 : 20, onUp: () => { console.log("up"); if (mastertl.totalProgress() < 1) { mastertl.play(); } }, onDown: () => { console.log("down"); if (mastertl.totalProgress() <= 1) { mastertl.reverse(); } }, }); }
  2. Hey @Rodrigo, This approach is not working for me, is there any other way to stop touchpad too many scroll events? Or is there something wrong with my code. const gsapInitialization = () => { console.log("gsapInitialization is done...") gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); gsap.config({ easeInOutCubic: function (progress) { return progress < 0.5 ? 4 * progress ** 3 : 1 - Math.pow(-2 * progress + 2, 3) / 2; } }); // let sectionEase = "Power1.easeInOut"; let sectionEase = "easeInOutCubic"; // let slideEase = "Power1.easeInOut"; let slideEase = "power3.easeinOut"; let otherAnimationEase = "easeInOutCubic"; let sectionDuration = 0.7; let slideDuration = 0.6; // VodaMedia Development Page Specific GSAP Animation gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollToPlugin); gsap.registerPlugin(Observer); let mastertl = gsap.timeline({ paused: true, defaults: { // ease: "power3.inOut", // ease: "Power1.easeInOut", ease: otherAnimationEase, duration: 0.3, autoAlpha: 0, }, }); gsap.set('.graph_slide_heading', { width: window.innerWidth >= 767 ? 550 : 240, y: 100, autoAlpha: 0, }) mastertl .from('.banner_description', { y: 100, // onComplete: () => (isTweening = false), }) .addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.horizontal_scroller_module', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .from('.hs_container_1_text', { xPercent: -100, // onComplete: () => (isTweening = false), }) .addPause() .to('.hs_inner', { xPercent: -50, autoAlpha: 1, ease: slideEase, delay:0.5, // onComplete: () => (isTweening = false), }) .addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.one_col_module', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .from('.one_col_text', { y: 100, // onComplete: () => (isTweening = false), }) .addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.two_col_module', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .from('.tc_telco_content', { y: 200, autoAlpha: 0, // onComplete: () => (isTweening = false), }) .from('.tc_telco_image', { y: 100, autoAlpha: 0, // onComplete: () => (isTweening = false), }, "<") .addPause() .to('.tc_telco_content', { y: -100, height: 0, autoAlpha: 0, // onComplete: () => (isTweening = false), }) .from('.tc_digital_content', { y: 100, height: 0, autoAlpha: 0, // onComplete: () => (isTweening = false), }, "<") .to('.tc_telco_image_container', { autoAlpha: 1, scrollTo: { y: '.tc_telco_image_in_2', autoKill: false, ease: sectionEase, } }, "<") .addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.two_col_module_V2', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .from('.tcV2_main_slide_heading ', { y: 100, // onComplete: () => (isTweening = false), }) .addPause() .to('.two_col_module_V2_inner', { xPercent: window.innerWidth >= 767 ? -60 : -100, autoAlpha: 1, ease: slideEase, duration: slideDuration, // onComplete: () => (isTweening = false), }) .addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.two_col_logo_module', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .from('.two_col_logo_heading, .two_col_logo_description', { y: 100, // onComplete: () => (isTweening = false), }) .from('.two_col_logo_module .two_col_logo_image', { y: 100, // onComplete: () => (isTweening = false), }) .addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.graph_module', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) // .from('.graph_module_heading', { // y: 100, // }).addPause() // .to('.graph_module_inner', { // xPercent: -100, // autoAlpha: 1, // ease:slideEase, // duration:slideDuration, // }) // .from('.graph_slide_heading, .graph_module_image', { // y: 100, // stagger: 0.8, // }) .to('.graph_slide_heading', { y: 0, autoAlpha: 1, // onComplete: () => (isTweening = false), }) .addPause() .to('.graph_slide_heading', { width: window.innerWidth >= 1024 ? 350 : (window.innerWidth >= 767 ? 240 : "100%"), autoAlpha: 1, ease: sectionEase, // onComplete: () => (isTweening = false), }) .from(' .graph_module_image', { x: 100, // onComplete: () => (isTweening = false), }, "<") .addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.logo_slider_module', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .from('.logo_slider_heading , .logo_slider_description', { y: 100, // onComplete: () => (isTweening = false), }) .from(' .logo_slider_module .two_col_logo_container', { y: 100, // onComplete: () => (isTweening = false), }) .addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.one_col_module_V2_r', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .from('.one_col_module_V2_r .one_col_V2_heading', { y: 100, // onComplete: () => (isTweening = false), }) .addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.contact_us_module', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .from('.contact_us_heading, .contact_us_description, .contact_us_form_container', { y: 100, // onComplete: () => (isTweening = false), }) .addPause() // let isTweening = false; // console.log(isTweening); // Observer For Timeline Observer.create({ type: "wheel, touch, pointer, touchmove", target: window, preventDefault: true, wheelSpeed: -1, tolerance: 100, dragMinimum: window.innerWidth >= 480 ? 100 : 20, onUp: () => { // if (isTweening) return; // isTweening = true; // console.log(isTweening); if (mastertl.totalProgress() < 1) { mastertl.play(); } }, onDown: () => { // if (isTweening) return; // isTweening = true; // console.log(isTweening); if (mastertl.totalProgress() <= 1) { mastertl.reverse(); } }, }); // Animation on Arrow Key document.onkeydown = CheckKeyFun; function CheckKeyFun(key) { key.preventDefault(); if (key.keyCode == '38') { // console.log("Up arrow"); if (mastertl.totalProgress() <= 1) { mastertl.reverse(); } } else if (key.keyCode == '40') { // console.log("Down arrow"); if (mastertl.totalProgress() < 1) { mastertl.play(); } } } // Nav Menu Link To Sections let hamIcon = document.querySelector('#headerModule .hamIcon'); hamIcon.onclick = linkListenerToNav; function linkListenerToNav() { let navTimeout = setTimeout(function () { // Menu Navbar let whatSetUsApartNav = document.querySelector('#menu-1-749d960 .whatSetUsApartMenu .elementor-item-anchor'); let whatDoWeDoNav = document.querySelector('#menu-1-749d960 .whatDoWeDoMenu .elementor-item-anchor '); let whatDoWeOfferNav = document.querySelector('#menu-1-749d960 .whatDoWeOfferMenu .elementor-item-anchor'); let ourClientsNav = document.querySelector('#menu-1-749d960 .ourClientsMenu .elementor-item-anchor'); let socialImpactNav = document.querySelector('#menu-1-749d960 .socialImpactMenu .elementor-item-anchor'); let contactUsNav = document.querySelector('#menu-1-749d960 .contactUsMenu .elementor-item-anchor'); const navMenu = [whatSetUsApartNav, whatDoWeDoNav, whatDoWeOfferNav, ourClientsNav, socialImpactNav, contactUsNav]; navMenu.forEach((menuItem) => { menuItem.addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (menuItem.parentElement.classList.contains("whatSetUsApartMenu")) { // console.log("whatSetUsApart"); mastertl.progress(0.038).play(); } else if (menuItem.parentElement.classList.contains("whatDoWeDoMenu")) { // console.log("whatDoWeDoMenu"); mastertl.progress(0.19).play(); } else if (menuItem.parentElement.classList.contains("whatDoWeOfferMenu")) { // console.log("whatDoWeOfferMenu"); mastertl.progress(0.39).play(); } else if (menuItem.parentElement.classList.contains("ourClientsMenu")) { // console.log("ourClientsMenu"); mastertl.progress(0.752).play(); } else if (menuItem.parentElement.classList.contains("socialImpactMenu")) { // console.log("socialImpactMenu"); mastertl.progress(0.856).play(); } else if (menuItem.parentElement.classList.contains("contactUsMenu")) { // console.log("contactUsMenu"); mastertl.progress(0.93196).play(); } }) }) }, 100) } } window.addEventListener('load', gsapInitialization) // Scroll To Top Function function smoothScrollToTop() { // console.log('smoothscroll'); const rootElement = document.documentElement; rootElement.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: "smooth" }); } smoothScrollToTop(); window.addEventListener("load", smoothScrollToTop); window.addEventListener("beforeunload", smoothScrollToTop); document.addEventListener("load", smoothScrollToTop);
  3. Hello, @Rodrigo I have made this animation but I'm getting issue with laptop trackpad. Issue is that instead of make one tween in play it let two or more tween to play. Even large scroll on touchpad makes more than 3 tween play at once. This is my live URL and this is my GSAP code. https://blackwolftechnologies.co.za/test/vodamedia const gsapInitialization = () => { console.log("gsapInitialization is done...") gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); gsap.config({ easeInOutCubic: function (progress) { return progress < 0.5 ? 4 * progress ** 3 : 1 - Math.pow(-2 * progress + 2, 3) / 2; } }); let sectionEase = "easeInOutCubic"; let slideEase = "power3.easeinOut"; let otherAnimationEase = "easeInOutCubic"; let sectionDuration = 0.7; let slideDuration = 0.6; gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollToPlugin); gsap.registerPlugin(Observer); let mastertl = gsap.timeline({ paused: true, defaults: { ease: otherAnimationEase, duration: 0.3, autoAlpha: 0, }, }); gsap.set('.graph_slide_heading', { width: window.innerWidth >= 767 ? 550 : 240, y: 100, autoAlpha: 0, }) mastertl .from('.banner_description', { y: 100, }).addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.horizontal_scroller_module', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .from('.hs_container_1_text', { xPercent: -100, }).addPause() .to('.hs_inner', { xPercent: -50, autoAlpha: 1, ease: slideEase, delay:0.5, }).addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.one_col_module', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .from('.one_col_text', { y: 100, }).addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.two_col_module', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .from('.tc_telco_content', { y: 200, autoAlpha: 0, }) .from('.tc_telco_image', { y: 100, autoAlpha: 0, }, "<").addPause() .to('.tc_telco_content', { y: -100, height: 0, autoAlpha: 0, }) .from('.tc_digital_content', { y: 100, height: 0, autoAlpha: 0, }, "<") .to('.tc_telco_image_container', { autoAlpha: 1, scrollTo: { y: '.tc_telco_image_in_2', autoKill: false, ease: sectionEase, } }, "<") .addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.two_col_module_V2', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .from('.tcV2_main_slide_heading ', { y: 100, }).addPause() .to('.two_col_module_V2_inner', { xPercent: window.innerWidth >= 767 ? -60 : -100, autoAlpha: 1, ease: slideEase, duration: slideDuration, }).addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.two_col_logo_module', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .from('.two_col_logo_heading, .two_col_logo_description', { y: 100, }) .from('.two_col_logo_module .two_col_logo_image', { y: 100, }).addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.graph_module', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .to('.graph_slide_heading', { y: 0, autoAlpha: 1, }).addPause() .to('.graph_slide_heading', { width: window.innerWidth >= 1024 ? 350 : (window.innerWidth >= 767 ? 240 : "100%"), autoAlpha: 1, ease: sectionEase, }) .from(' .graph_module_image', { x: 100, }, "<").addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.logo_slider_module', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .from('.logo_slider_heading , .logo_slider_description', { y: 100, }) .from(' .logo_slider_module .two_col_logo_container', { y: 100, }) .addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.one_col_module_V2_r', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .from('.one_col_module_V2_r .one_col_V2_heading', { y: 100, }).addPause() .to(window, { scrollTo: { y: '.contact_us_module', autoKill: false }, duration: sectionDuration, ease: sectionEase, }) .from('.contact_us_heading, .contact_us_description, .contact_us_form_container', { y: 100, }).addPause() // Observer For Timeline Observer.create({ type: "wheel, touch, pointer, touchmove", preventDefault: true, wheelSpeed: -1, tolerance: 100, dragMinimum: window.innerWidth >= 480 ? 100 : 20, onUp: () => { if (!mastertl.isActive() && mastertl.totalProgress() < 1) { mastertl.play(); } }, onDown: () => { if (!mastertl.isActive() && mastertl.totalProgress() <= 1) { mastertl.reverse(); } }, }); // Animation on Arrow Key document.onkeydown = CheckKeyFun; function CheckKeyFun(key) { key.preventDefault(); if (key.keyCode == '38') { // console.log("Up arrow"); if (!mastertl.isActive() && mastertl.totalProgress() <= 1) { mastertl.reverse(); } } else if (key.keyCode == '40') { // console.log("Down arrow"); if (!mastertl.isActive() && mastertl.totalProgress() < 1) { mastertl.play(); } } } // Nav Menu Link To Sections let hamIcon = document.querySelector('#headerModule .hamIcon'); hamIcon.onclick = linkListenerToNav; function linkListenerToNav() { let navTimeout = setTimeout(function () { // Menu Navbar let whatSetUsApartNav = document.querySelector('#menu-1-749d960 .whatSetUsApartMenu .elementor-item-anchor'); let whatDoWeDoNav = document.querySelector('#menu-1-749d960 .whatDoWeDoMenu .elementor-item-anchor '); let whatDoWeOfferNav = document.querySelector('#menu-1-749d960 .whatDoWeOfferMenu .elementor-item-anchor'); let ourClientsNav = document.querySelector('#menu-1-749d960 .ourClientsMenu .elementor-item-anchor'); let socialImpactNav = document.querySelector('#menu-1-749d960 .socialImpactMenu .elementor-item-anchor'); let contactUsNav = document.querySelector('#menu-1-749d960 .contactUsMenu .elementor-item-anchor'); const navMenu = [whatSetUsApartNav, whatDoWeDoNav, whatDoWeOfferNav, ourClientsNav, socialImpactNav, contactUsNav]; navMenu.forEach((menuItem) => { menuItem.addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (menuItem.parentElement.classList.contains("whatSetUsApartMenu")) { // console.log("whatSetUsApart"); mastertl.progress(0.038).play(); } else if (menuItem.parentElement.classList.contains("whatDoWeDoMenu")) { // console.log("whatDoWeDoMenu"); mastertl.progress(0.149).play(); } else if (menuItem.parentElement.classList.contains("whatDoWeOfferMenu")) { // console.log("whatDoWeOfferMenu"); mastertl.progress(0.334).play(); } else if (menuItem.parentElement.classList.contains("ourClientsMenu")) { // console.log("ourClientsMenu"); mastertl.progress(0.752).play(); } else if (menuItem.parentElement.classList.contains("socialImpactMenu")) { // console.log("socialImpactMenu"); mastertl.progress(0.856).play(); } else if (menuItem.parentElement.classList.contains("contactUsMenu")) { // console.log("contactUsMenu"); mastertl.progress(0.93196).play(); } }) }) }, 100) } } window.addEventListener('load', gsapInitialization) // Scroll To Top Function function smoothScrollToTop() { // console.log('smoothscroll'); const rootElement = document.documentElement; rootElement.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: "smooth" }); } smoothScrollToTop(); window.addEventListener("load", smoothScrollToTop); window.addEventListener("beforeunload", smoothScrollToTop); document.addEventListener("load", smoothScrollToTop);
  4. Hello @Rodrigo I followed your advice and just used Observer for my problem and guess what, I got a better output than earlier but still didn't get what you were trying to explain about using booleans. Than too please check the my codepen code if there is possibility that it can be improved upto GSAP standards, than please let me know. Secondly, I have added a section for horizontal scrolling as the page's last section. And this horizontal section seems to create a jerk on sliding. I don't know why that same jerk is not visible in codepen but it's there in my project. Even though they both share the same code base. I'm attaching a video link for that VodaMedia Demo – VodaMedia - Google Chrome 2024-04-22 16-41-54 (jumpshare.com). This is my updated codepen. https://codepen.io/yetnagtr-the-bold/pen/VwNqmdB <script async src="https://cpwebassets.codepen.io/assets/embed/ei.js"></script>
  5. Hello, I'm new to GSAP and I'm trying some handy animation. Here is what I'm trying to achieve https://genevoism.com/. I know they have used different approach but I belief such animation are possible in GSAP too. I using combination of ScrollTrigger, ScrollTo, Observer and using timeline pause and play method to achieve one scroll animation effect. By one scroll I mean that each of animation would be trigger per scroll. Approach I took : > Firstly I have made different timeline for different animation per section. > Than I tried to get user scroll using observer's onUp and onDown methods. > Than after per scroll I play my desired timeline and as one of the tween of that timeline gets completed I pause my timeline, further when user will scroll again timeline play's and pause's again. > When all tweens in one timeline gets completed, I switch to other timeline by pausing the first one. > I have also used a forEach loop on scroollTrigger.create so that I can pin the particular section as animation are being performed. What I want: I want set of animation such that when my section comes in viewport or is already present in viewport( like hero or banner ) the animation should get started as the user scroll. Each and every animation or tween should start and end between two scroll of user. And as all the animation in a section get's completed it should slide up or down as per user's scroll 100% or 100vh. Please have a look into the below pen and guide me where I'm going wrong. Thank you... <script async src="https://cpwebassets.codepen.io/assets/embed/ei.js"></script>
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