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  1. I have a big project that has Split Text with Scroll Trigger combined animations. It works fine but I noticed that it is creating a lot of div/elements when I searched about the Split Text plugin. I saw everyone is using the revert() method to make the dom element normal. But in my case it does not work can anyone can help? I want to make the DOM normal whenever the object is away from the view. Here is the code, see I am using a class 'paragraph-effect' in multiple paragraph elements const paragraphs = gsap.utils.toArray(".paragraph-effect"); paragraphs.forEach(function (p) { const paragraph = new SplitType(p, { types: 'lines' }) gsap.from(paragraph.lines, { duration: 1, y: 25, opacity: 0, stagger: 1, scrollTrigger: { trigger: p, start: "top bottom", end: "bottom center", scrub: true } } ); });
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