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Everything posted by BattN

  1. Thank you so much @mvaneijgen! This helps tremendously 😄
  2. Hi! This is a continuation of this post: I'm having trouble transitioning from one section to another past the first section. It seems that making the initial '.bg' background fixed is causing issue with smoothly transitioning past the first section. As you can see, when scrolled to the '#writings' section, it goes back to the '.bg' background before transitioning. I tried to make the trigger '#about' before leading into '#writings' but it left my with a weird filter gradient that gets triggered when scrolled to '#writings' but only appears in the '#about' section.
  3. I seemed to have made '.header_background_extender', not used it for anything, and forgot about it 😅, sorry about that! Thank you so much @GreenSock! This has cleared up a lot for me!
  4. Wow! Thank you so much @GreenSock! I have a couple of questions on how you were able to achieve this: In the JS file for 'let backg', how come you put "backgroundImage" instead of "background"? I initially thought it would be "background" because that how the radial gradient background is assigned in ".about_backg". Also, how is .header_background_extender coming in to play here? I might be mistaken, but I don't see the class called outside of its declaration in the CSS file. Thank you!
  5. Hi! I am new to GSAP and have been wracking my brain trying to figure this out. I want the background of my website to seamlessly change colors in its radial gradient when scrolled to a different section of the website. My biggest roadblock so far has been calling the radial gradients in js using GSAP. I've tried storing the string in a variable and the background that way but it doesn't seem to work. In my codepen, I've hardcoded the different gradients to the sections where they are supposed to be in HTML but ideally, I'd like to set these in js with GSAP.
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